Friday, August 12, 2011

The Pot Isnt The Kettle

Obama Debt Ceiling Crisis Spurs Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee To Play Race Card - Shameful!
I guess it was just a matter of time before someone would throw out the race card when it came to President Obama and the Debt Ceiling Crisis. The only question was who would be the one to play it? And the winner, or whiner if you prefer, is U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.

She cant speak on behalf of her constituents? She is whining?

Are her constituents whining?

Any Republican would want to make a Democrat a "one term president", how many would have the balls to say it aloud and face no retribution?

Any Republican would think that a Democratic president is many could say it at the State of the Union address and not garner a censure from the Congress?

But that's just politics...right?

I know that in life things aren't always as clear as they should be.
With the way life throws things at us on a daily basis, its almost impossible. I understand that. What I don't understand is when people deny things they don't understand, yet proclaim they do.

So today, I will be speaking about something that for a long time hasn't had a comprehensive discussion.

Let's start with an analogy. There are college courses that starts with a 094 or 095 remedial class. Then there are post-grad classes where you are working towards your Masters.

I understand that there are topics that I am not as informed or educated on. For those topics I need to be in a remedial class. For those topics I try to chime in only after listening and asking questions so that I can learn from those that have a post-grad understanding.

Yet what I just don't understand is when the people in the remedial classes speak out loud and expose their ignorance only because they have the numbers, they are the majority over the post-grads. Its as if the majority believes that the world is flat, even though facts show other wise, but because they are the top of the proverbial totem pole...the world is flat...until they decide it isn't.

So let's start the talk...


Before I say one thing I need this to be said...

If women spoke out against sexism and a man said "you bitches need to quit being so emotional" people would flip the fuck out!

But let a black person speak out on racism...someone feels its ok to yell out nigger!


What we refuse to accept is that any construct of oppression has nuances. Its not always going to be blatant or obvious. Sometimes you need to adjust your lenses, or listen to the "post-grads", Black America.

After experiencing constant barrages of racial attacks, whether it be covert or overt, Black America knows this topic. We live it.

We know that people get mistreated, what we are explaining isn't the mistreatment, but the motivation. Its like explaining transportation without stating what method of transportation.

I know there are the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons in the world that at times uses race to make profit.

Yet those people are used to deny or marginalize racism.

Does a Tawana Brawley scandal invalidate when a Tea Party member carries a sign that calls the president a Nigger?

Does "hymietown" invalidate empirical studies that shows unemployment is higher for black america?

Does a Malcolm X invalidate the fact that the New deal excluded blacks?

Does anything invalidate the fact that as black America can't get access to housing in certain areas, even thought they have the money for it?

Saggy pants don't invalidate police brutality.

Does the fact that the President is a democrat invalidate that although the right doesn't like him for that, they are utilizing race to assist in their message?

Now to many of my Black friends and beyond...I am going to let a BIG secret out.

Black people are so damn tired of having to have this talk...
Black people don't believe the other side is listening...
Black people want you to SHUT THE FUCK UP long enough to hear us...
Black people are so damn tired that the only time America can acknowledge racism is when someone says nigger...

More importantly quit acting like racism exists only when YOU see it! If you are telling black people when there is racism...that's racist!

If we see it, try asking what we see, why do we see it, and how can we deal with it.

Am I saying that as a person that isn't black you don't have a voice? Of course not, as a black man, I am saying you cant be the voice, the judge, and the executioner of what is and what is not racism.

While you may be able to see some of it...we live all of it.

Whether you like it or not...we have no choice of our own...earned this Masters degree.

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