Sunday, August 14, 2011

Its Their Nature

The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
Scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
Frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
Says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"
Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
Isn’t that the truth?

Now to my friends on the right, haven’t you noticed the nature of your representatives that carries an (R) at the end of their names. Haven’t you noticed the attacks on your life, your liberty, and your pursuit of happiness by the very people that claim that “we are in this together”? Yet every time the political bumper stickers and the spin make sense to you, they hop on top of you and inject the poison.

They have blamed your low wages on the greedy unions, claimed that minimum wage is the reason you don’t make more, the answer “made” sense to you. If removing minimum wage makes sense to you, I must ask how that could enable them to pay YOU more. Did they pay your ancestors more before there was a minimum wage?

Be honest, you just want more poison?

Just look at everything that you stand for, everything that you believe in, have the “representatives” made good on the promises they made to you? Or was it just more poison injections? Is Roe v. Wade still on the books? How is that gay marriage ban working out for you? Those gay people dont have to not tell when they are asked anymore do they?

They stood for individual responsibility…for you?
But when the rich donors have a “crisis”…bailout!

They tell you that Muslims are evil…but the new darling of the right, Gov. Chris Christie, just appointed a Muslim judge. Now some of the “true” believers are saying that Gov. Christie isn’t “one of us”. He was never “one of us”; he knows what he needs to tell you to get elected. All of the “Scorpions” know what is needed to be said on the campaign trail, on Fox News, and any media source that gives them airtime to get your vote…they know they are lying. They know the lies are believable, because YOU believe them. “Makes sense” to you, right. They have no problem smiling in your face while you drown in debt, unemployment, stripped down retirement funds, and darkness because…say it with me… “It’s their nature”.

Now they are no longer looking to get across the stream, they have their eyes set on the ocean…YOUR MONEY!

The scorpions want your money, the money they know damn well you put in, and they want to take it from you. They claim it’s an entitlement that you are NOT entitled to. Social Security is not sustainable. That political juggernaut of spin has been working its magic for decades. Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43 have been, like a preacher claiming the rapture is upon us, trying to take YOUR money away from YOU! How is it NOT enough money that you put into it for you to take out. They mismanaged YOUR money that was never meant to be spent on anything other than your retirement and you have to “share in the sacrifice”? For forty years the “insolvency of entitlements” has been the Scorpions favorite long term poison drip. Makes sense to you, right? WTF! What about their retirement fund, what about their health care options, what about their perks and benefits? Are they sharing in the sacrifice? Who said that they are “entitled” to such lofty benefits? They did, not you! Somewhere George Orwell is in sheer amazement! The word entitlement no longer means “what one is entitled to”. That’s “doubleplusgood” for you isn’t it? If I was told that I had a savings account that I put money into and the banks said I'm not “entitled” to it…somebody will be learning about my second amendment rights. Sorry, robbing me of my money will get you treated like a criminal. It’s in my nature.

They tell you that they are patriots while the real patriots who go to wars that the scorpions pull out of their asses, after Lockheed Martin, Bechtel, and Halliburton puts cash in their pockets, to die for profits that none of us gets. The real patriots have families at home that are going to food pantries just to survive! But the Republicans are patriotic? Makes “sense” to you, right? Last I checked patriotic meant I love my country and countrymen and women and show honor to those that serve. Having rats in Walter Reed is NOT patriotic! Sending troops to foreign land without proper equipment is not patriotic! Building nations is not patriotic!

But you should know this is what they will do every time they get into political office! They come to you with the “we will get you across the water” spin and you drown from more and more poison every time! You give them…the government…your votes, your donations; you buy their books, watch their news, and swallow their shit every time they prove to you that that “government” is the problem! You let it happen! They tell you to take your country back, while they are taking your entitlements.

They sell you on the government is the problem not the solution, but every time they are in government they install the same failed policies that don’t get you “across the water”. Isn’t the biggest problems, the crisis, the biggest failures are on the Republicans watch? But they sell you on the failures of that black Kenyan, that philandering “bubba”, or that dumb peanut farmer. Makes “sense” to you, right? You know who are the problems don’t you? But do you know the problems?

Have you looked at the Alzheimer patient that increased the debt to astronomical numbers, because he wanted to be a presidential George Lucas and create a fictional “Star Wars”!

Have you looked at the “thousand points of light” that raised taxes after telling you he wouldn’t?

Don’t forget the guy you would love to have at a barbeque…
9/11, no job creation, two wars, Katrina, and last but not least an administration that outed a C.I.A operative. This guy was my favorite…he told you the truth about one thing…

“This is an impressive crowd: the Haves and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base.”-George W. Bush

Now many of my friends on the right watched that on Fox and got a big laugh. That’s a sad note for me. The elite is his base? I thought that you, the hard working guy that would invite him to a picnic was his base? It’s not the blue collar guy that is his base? It’s not the women that are “mama grizzlies” that are his base?

Well duh! You are NOT his base! You aren’t even people to them…CORPORATIONS are people! You are serfs and frogs to them.

You are the government! How in the hell could you be the problem if they fuck you over?!

Wanna know what the scorpions think of we the people?

"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."-Grover Norquist

Oh by the way…his wife…A MUSLIM!

Google it!

They want to take you…shrink you down…and drown you…we the people… the government…the patriots…in a bathtub!

But hey…say it with me…it’s in their nature!

At least the scorpion in the story dies with the frog…These Scorpions with great health care…weeks of vacation…great retirement benefits…and campaign money that could fund the end of global hunger…will live forever. Because it makes sense to you.

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