Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?
[On being asked who owned the patent on his polio vaccine by journalist, Edward R. Murrow in 1954.]-Jonas Salk
Imagine the horror for Dr. Salk to know, even in his existence, the powers that be already started to do that.
[On being asked who owned the patent on his polio vaccine by journalist, Edward R. Murrow in 1954.]-Jonas Salk
Imagine the horror for Dr. Salk to know, even in his existence, the powers that be already started to do that.
Just look at the elements, water…Evian…fire…Commonwealth Edison…earth…real estate…air…oxygen tanks.
The real question isn’t can you patent the sun; it’s what is the end game?
Water has been an abundant source for centuries! Yet, with the poisoning of so many water sources, we have become victims of the profit motive. Water filtration, bottled water, and the need to seek water irrigation for lands without true water sources have created water prices. WATER PRICES!
As we enter into a new century solar power is constantly presented as two opposite positions. One standing as solar being the future, the other side is saying maybe in the future, just not the near future for Americans. What concerns me is that when it’s something new, something better, better is only if you have better money.
But in other European countries, solar is the present. Those darn socialists really know how to ruin a good thing.
As the world is becoming a packed house with more than six billion people, the earth from industrialized farming to real estate is no longer a frontier. It’s becoming slowly but surely a mad rush to claim a piece of land of our own. But with the earth being what it is naturally, can we actually claim ownership of land with hurricanes, tectonic plates, and a litany of natural occurrences. How long can it be before the next climate change decides that water need to be one place it has never been before?
Slowly our air with the assistance of a mass of machines, toxic fumes, and so many needing sources of fossil fuels to use almost everything from plastics to the very computer I am typing on, is poisoning our air. How long before a need for either oxygen tanks or a more expansive bubble of communities just to survive.
It could be so easy to place blame at the feet of so many of us, but blame never solves a problem.
Besides, I doubt Dr. Salk would look for blame. I hope we don’t try to patent that too.
Action and solutions would help the sick and needy. I just hope we find out that the sick is our four elements before we become the needy. This world doesn’t need us to survive, it’s the opposite, and we need it.
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