In the past two years I have watched the right and many others point out to the "liberal left-wing media. I have one question, not for the right, but for the left...define media please?
Since the Obama phenomenon, MSNBC and the alleged progressive media has played the ultimate game on the true progressives and liberals. A constant demand to rise up like the Tea Party, a drum beat to make change real is nothing more than the same beat that has been resounding in any and all media..."It’s All About The Benjamins"
I remember when Keith Olberman left MSNBC; I hoped for the exodus, how disappointing the reality was. Since the Tea Party came into existence, or should I say since America realized that the president was no longer the mirror image of the "American (exclusion) exceptionalism", the left has shown its true colors is green.
Ed Shultz was begged by the progressives to run for Kent Conrad's Senatorial spot in North Dakota, he denied the offer.
Really? You want us to protest, come to your events, buy your books and podcasts, but when you are called to represent you continued to count your money.
Rachel Maddow, (yes I'm swinging hard) has been asked to run against Scott Brown repeatedly in Massachusetts. Is she willing to answer the call? Nope, "I'm not a politician", that's not my thing.
Really? You want us to watch your show in order to make you the next Keith on MSNBC but you can’t...nevermind.
Norman Goldman, a new progressive mainstay on radio, the progeny of Ed Shultz, and a lawyer no less. Gets the call to run for office all the time..."not goin to do it".
Stephanie Miller has a "Sexy Liberal Tour" that is selling out everywhere she goes, a radio show, and appears on MSNBC often. She is the daughter of a former US representative who was Barry Goldwater's running mate in 1964. She gets asked to run for office as well..."Oh I'm just a comic with a show that makes fart jokes" Can someone please introduce her to Al Franken!
I have heard Cornell West say that Obama isn't a progressive, ok Mr. West. Quit your high status job as a professor and run for office. Quit complaining because you didn't get an invite to the inauguration.
All of these people in the media with a voice, with a wide base of possible voters, not one of them won’t run?
I just don't understand how a global Comcast/MSNBC juggernaut is a place that progressives should be investing their time and ratings on.
At what point will progressives see that the "professional progressives" are no different from the right? Money and having their "alter getting some worship time" is all that matters. They aren't for Obama and the left, they are riding the coat tails of a president that didn't need them to become president, but they are using the hell out of him to get some publicity.
I know for some this will be hard to swallow, especially since a lot of progressives are coming out against Obama. But isn't that the media's M.O.? We lift you up on a pedestal and then...we claim that we are responsible for your fall from grace. I say that there hasn't been grace for a president that walked into a job that lacked a foundation, support, or even a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell some have asked so many times why hasn't he fought more? With what a quasi-super-majority in the senate, or a 14th amendment that would have resulted in an impeachment for as long as it took to get him out in 2012? Didn't think about that did you?
Since the Obama phenomenon, MSNBC and the alleged progressive media has played the ultimate game on the true progressives and liberals. A constant demand to rise up like the Tea Party, a drum beat to make change real is nothing more than the same beat that has been resounding in any and all media..."It’s All About The Benjamins"
I remember when Keith Olberman left MSNBC; I hoped for the exodus, how disappointing the reality was. Since the Tea Party came into existence, or should I say since America realized that the president was no longer the mirror image of the "American (exclusion) exceptionalism", the left has shown its true colors is green.
Ed Shultz was begged by the progressives to run for Kent Conrad's Senatorial spot in North Dakota, he denied the offer.
Really? You want us to protest, come to your events, buy your books and podcasts, but when you are called to represent you continued to count your money.
Rachel Maddow, (yes I'm swinging hard) has been asked to run against Scott Brown repeatedly in Massachusetts. Is she willing to answer the call? Nope, "I'm not a politician", that's not my thing.
Really? You want us to watch your show in order to make you the next Keith on MSNBC but you can’t...nevermind.
Norman Goldman, a new progressive mainstay on radio, the progeny of Ed Shultz, and a lawyer no less. Gets the call to run for office all the time..."not goin to do it".
Stephanie Miller has a "Sexy Liberal Tour" that is selling out everywhere she goes, a radio show, and appears on MSNBC often. She is the daughter of a former US representative who was Barry Goldwater's running mate in 1964. She gets asked to run for office as well..."Oh I'm just a comic with a show that makes fart jokes" Can someone please introduce her to Al Franken!
I have heard Cornell West say that Obama isn't a progressive, ok Mr. West. Quit your high status job as a professor and run for office. Quit complaining because you didn't get an invite to the inauguration.
All of these people in the media with a voice, with a wide base of possible voters, not one of them won’t run?
I just don't understand how a global Comcast/MSNBC juggernaut is a place that progressives should be investing their time and ratings on.
At what point will progressives see that the "professional progressives" are no different from the right? Money and having their "alter getting some worship time" is all that matters. They aren't for Obama and the left, they are riding the coat tails of a president that didn't need them to become president, but they are using the hell out of him to get some publicity.
I know for some this will be hard to swallow, especially since a lot of progressives are coming out against Obama. But isn't that the media's M.O.? We lift you up on a pedestal and then...we claim that we are responsible for your fall from grace. I say that there hasn't been grace for a president that walked into a job that lacked a foundation, support, or even a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell some have asked so many times why hasn't he fought more? With what a quasi-super-majority in the senate, or a 14th amendment that would have resulted in an impeachment for as long as it took to get him out in 2012? Didn't think about that did you?
But the media isn't on your side. It isn't ever on your side. Fox, CNN, and yes MSNBC is all the same with nuances that are so close to each other that Jon Stewart can show a loop that has all three together and it’s like a simultaneous, collective monolith of media.
Am I being hard on the people that many of us love to watch, love to post their videos, love to say go get em'. Just know that in the end, they have only gotten after us, our time, our attention, and our pain. They are making money off of it.
Keith maybe a blow hard, an arrogant attention seeking public figure. But at least when he was pushed, he pulled out.
Am I being hard on the people that many of us love to watch, love to post their videos, love to say go get em'. Just know that in the end, they have only gotten after us, our time, our attention, and our pain. They are making money off of it.
Keith maybe a blow hard, an arrogant attention seeking public figure. But at least when he was pushed, he pulled out.
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