No matter who we are, we all have issues. I hope to sift thru the psychosis and the mental anguish that we all face and get to the heart of the matter...we all need help...especially me.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Birds Of A Feather
I have always been under the impression that we as humans are individuals that seek like minded individuals. We like having a collective of friends that share mutual principles. It strengthens us to have numbers on our side.
I have always wondered what the litmus test is for such a relationship or a personal covenant. Because there are personal and psychological "lines in the sand". There are always differences that we just can't "agree to disagree" with.
But I have seen some relationships that are either naïve, cynical, or just fraudulent.
We have bold and distinguished differences that need to inspire a refusal of participation to our circles.
Feminist that have misogynists friends.
Political friends with differences that are at best considered extreme with a "bond".
Atheist with the same religious fervor that shares personal feelings with a hard core Christian.
Or a gay man that is a walking contradiction by working for the RNC and calls them friends.
A very positive person that allows a negative soul sucking emotional vampire into their covenant.
Ridiculous right?
What does that say about us and our desire for the pursuit of happiness? Are we just drawn to the drama? Are we that damn sympathetic? Is it the need to "try to change them"?
Can you change a gallon of poison by dropping it into your local drinking water plants?
Hell no! You use filters to keep the bad out!
But look at so many of us! Dying slowly from the negativity in our lives, sometimes just because the person offers one...just one fucking facet of them that we allow the emotional vamps to drag us down.
Oh, they are my neighbors, my family, we work together, or that's just their way. Their way isn't your way then who's path are you taking.
I refuse to allow these fuckers to take advantage of my empathy.
I say birds of a feather flock together...
I am no quack!
If roles were reverse...they would fuck me over the first chance they get!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Dominance...Has A Price
I was thinking about the economic crisis in the world and was inspired to write this.
Dominance of many countries, including the one I live in is evident. There is no reason to deny it. Its methods, its ways of systemic dominance, have place a stain on our human existence. The price for dominance has been our dignity, our freedoms, and our existence.
Was it worth it? Was the positions and status that were given to you by powerful people that never gave you anything, without a price, worth it? There is a mammoth amount of examples pertaining to what the price is for dominance.
In an effort to dominate, to hold another group of people down in order to lift you up, respect must be absent. How else do you think that racism, sexism, homosexual hatred, religious prosecution, and a litany of other nuanced subsets of “otherizing” is allowed to exist? There isn’t a single reason to talk about those tools of disrespect is there?
“____ism will always be around as long as there are people” So if you don’t respect others that you have allowed to be oppressed, killed without repercussions, robbed of financial gains, or even just bullied because their ways don’t match your own how can you respect yourself? Well, instead of “whining” let me continue.
We always talk about slavery when we discuss a lack of freedoms(unless you are Americans, they believe if they can’t do everything they aren’t free) but what is colonization, annexations, expansionism, imperialism, Manifest Destiny, or any other guilty party that has used superiority to “expand their dominance”. But if you expanded your dominance how far is too far? Ok, I’ll stop carrying on.
While freedom and respect are very important, existence i.e. validation is needed in order for the other two to ever happen. How can a woman get respect if she isn’t a person, but objectified? How can we feel anything for Native Americans if they are considered savages? There are so many questions I would love to list, but why just blather on?
Why continue to state the obvious? Let’s state the needed. For all the privileges that some have received for being the right color, the right gender, the right sexual orientation, born in the right country, or born in the right family, the end game is slowly permeating into all of our existences. The powerful are now coming for you!
I ask you…are there anyone to fight for you?
I ask you…Anyone to fight with you?
Don’t answer…I knew the answer in the eighth grade.
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.
-Pastor Martin Niemöller
“Although people may have different status in life, everyone’s dignity is the same”
As there are many people in this world that are not nice, not caring, there are just as many that are strong enough to accept power that they don’t deserve, but too weak to stop it from being taken from them.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Im Tired
I'm tired of fighting...tired of arguing, tired of the world being flat when I know its round, tired of knowing honor is what makes you humane, yet humanity has sacrificed its humanity for its own self-absorbed point of view...tired being blamed for racism...tired of "being negative"...when I'm NOT, tired of being tired, damn tired of being what you want me to be, tired of being lied to, tired of being told I’m not being lied to, tired of world oppression being denied by its oppressors, tired of man believing their way is better than nature's, tired of sexism, tired of the gay community being considered different, tired of being told I'm complaining while watching change agents marginalized or killed, tired of failed theories being applied repeatedly, tired of progress being hindered by greed, tired of globalization only applying to the accumulation of wealth, tired of needless death, tired of being asked to do what the person is asking me to do wont, tired of history only repeating itself when its bad, tired of politics in governments, churches, workplaces, and schools, tired of no cures for cancer, aids or the common cold, tired of hearing its gets better...when it hasn't, tired of being tired, tired of having to say what I’m tired about, tired of having to say why I’m tired, tired of being mad, I’m tired of smart people not being leaders because "smarter people" deny the fact that they aren't, tired of hypocrisy, tired of being a hypocrite, tired of using all these commas, tired of needing help, tired of not being able to help others, tired of others being tired.
What are you tired of?
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Its Their Nature
The Scorpion and the Frog
A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of a stream and the
Scorpion asks the frog to carry him across on its back. The
Frog asks, "How do I know you won't sting me?" The scorpion
Says, "Because if I do, I will die too."
The frog is satisfied, and they set out, but in midstream,
the scorpion stings the frog. The frog feels the onset of
paralysis and starts to sink, knowing they both will drown,
but has just enough time to gasp "Why?"
Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
Isn’t that the truth?
Now to my friends on the right, haven’t you noticed the nature of your representatives that carries an (R) at the end of their names. Haven’t you noticed the attacks on your life, your liberty, and your pursuit of happiness by the very people that claim that “we are in this together”? Yet every time the political bumper stickers and the spin make sense to you, they hop on top of you and inject the poison.
They have blamed your low wages on the greedy unions, claimed that minimum wage is the reason you don’t make more, the answer “made” sense to you. If removing minimum wage makes sense to you, I must ask how that could enable them to pay YOU more. Did they pay your ancestors more before there was a minimum wage?
Be honest, you just want more poison?
Just look at everything that you stand for, everything that you believe in, have the “representatives” made good on the promises they made to you? Or was it just more poison injections? Is Roe v. Wade still on the books? How is that gay marriage ban working out for you? Those gay people dont have to not tell when they are asked anymore do they?
They stood for individual responsibility…for you?
But when the rich donors have a “crisis”…bailout!
They tell you that Muslims are evil…but the new darling of the right, Gov. Chris Christie, just appointed a Muslim judge. Now some of the “true” believers are saying that Gov. Christie isn’t “one of us”. He was never “one of us”; he knows what he needs to tell you to get elected. All of the “Scorpions” know what is needed to be said on the campaign trail, on Fox News, and any media source that gives them airtime to get your vote…they know they are lying. They know the lies are believable, because YOU believe them. “Makes sense” to you, right. They have no problem smiling in your face while you drown in debt, unemployment, stripped down retirement funds, and darkness because…say it with me… “It’s their nature”.
Now they are no longer looking to get across the stream, they have their eyes set on the ocean…YOUR MONEY!
The scorpions want your money, the money they know damn well you put in, and they want to take it from you. They claim it’s an entitlement that you are NOT entitled to. Social Security is not sustainable. That political juggernaut of spin has been working its magic for decades. Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43 have been, like a preacher claiming the rapture is upon us, trying to take YOUR money away from YOU! How is it NOT enough money that you put into it for you to take out. They mismanaged YOUR money that was never meant to be spent on anything other than your retirement and you have to “share in the sacrifice”? For forty years the “insolvency of entitlements” has been the Scorpions favorite long term poison drip. Makes sense to you, right? WTF! What about their retirement fund, what about their health care options, what about their perks and benefits? Are they sharing in the sacrifice? Who said that they are “entitled” to such lofty benefits? They did, not you! Somewhere George Orwell is in sheer amazement! The word entitlement no longer means “what one is entitled to”. That’s “doubleplusgood” for you isn’t it? If I was told that I had a savings account that I put money into and the banks said I'm not “entitled” to it…somebody will be learning about my second amendment rights. Sorry, robbing me of my money will get you treated like a criminal. It’s in my nature.
They tell you that they are patriots while the real patriots who go to wars that the scorpions pull out of their asses, after Lockheed Martin, Bechtel, and Halliburton puts cash in their pockets, to die for profits that none of us gets. The real patriots have families at home that are going to food pantries just to survive! But the Republicans are patriotic? Makes “sense” to you, right? Last I checked patriotic meant I love my country and countrymen and women and show honor to those that serve. Having rats in Walter Reed is NOT patriotic! Sending troops to foreign land without proper equipment is not patriotic! Building nations is not patriotic!
But you should know this is what they will do every time they get into political office! They come to you with the “we will get you across the water” spin and you drown from more and more poison every time! You give them…the government…your votes, your donations; you buy their books, watch their news, and swallow their shit every time they prove to you that that “government” is the problem! You let it happen! They tell you to take your country back, while they are taking your entitlements.
They sell you on the government is the problem not the solution, but every time they are in government they install the same failed policies that don’t get you “across the water”. Isn’t the biggest problems, the crisis, the biggest failures are on the Republicans watch? But they sell you on the failures of that black Kenyan, that philandering “bubba”, or that dumb peanut farmer. Makes “sense” to you, right? You know who are the problems don’t you? But do you know the problems?
Have you looked at the Alzheimer patient that increased the debt to astronomical numbers, because he wanted to be a presidential George Lucas and create a fictional “Star Wars”!
Have you looked at the “thousand points of light” that raised taxes after telling you he wouldn’t?
Don’t forget the guy you would love to have at a barbeque…
9/11, no job creation, two wars, Katrina, and last but not least an administration that outed a C.I.A operative. This guy was my favorite…he told you the truth about one thing…
“This is an impressive crowd: the Haves and Have-more's. Some people call you the elites. I call you my base.”-George W. Bush
Now many of my friends on the right watched that on Fox and got a big laugh. That’s a sad note for me. The elite is his base? I thought that you, the hard working guy that would invite him to a picnic was his base? It’s not the blue collar guy that is his base? It’s not the women that are “mama grizzlies” that are his base?
Well duh! You are NOT his base! You aren’t even people to them…CORPORATIONS are people! You are serfs and frogs to them.
You are the government! How in the hell could you be the problem if they fuck you over?!
Wanna know what the scorpions think of we the people?
"I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub."-Grover Norquist
Oh by the way…his wife…A MUSLIM!
Google it!
They want to take you…shrink you down…and drown you…we the people… the government…the patriots…in a bathtub!
But hey…say it with me…it’s in their nature!
At least the scorpion in the story dies with the frog…These Scorpions with great health care…weeks of vacation…great retirement benefits…and campaign money that could fund the end of global hunger…will live forever. Because it makes sense to you.
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Pot Isnt The Kettle
Obama Debt Ceiling Crisis Spurs Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee To Play Race Card - Shameful!
I guess it was just a matter of time before someone would throw out the race card when it came to President Obama and the Debt Ceiling Crisis. The only question was who would be the one to play it? And the winner, or whiner if you prefer, is U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
She cant speak on behalf of her constituents? She is whining?
Are her constituents whining?
Any Republican would want to make a Democrat a "one term president", how many would have the balls to say it aloud and face no retribution?
Any Republican would think that a Democratic president is many could say it at the State of the Union address and not garner a censure from the Congress?
But that's just politics...right?
I know that in life things aren't always as clear as they should be.
With the way life throws things at us on a daily basis, its almost impossible. I understand that. What I don't understand is when people deny things they don't understand, yet proclaim they do.
So today, I will be speaking about something that for a long time hasn't had a comprehensive discussion.
Let's start with an analogy. There are college courses that starts with a 094 or 095 remedial class. Then there are post-grad classes where you are working towards your Masters.
I understand that there are topics that I am not as informed or educated on. For those topics I need to be in a remedial class. For those topics I try to chime in only after listening and asking questions so that I can learn from those that have a post-grad understanding.
Yet what I just don't understand is when the people in the remedial classes speak out loud and expose their ignorance only because they have the numbers, they are the majority over the post-grads. Its as if the majority believes that the world is flat, even though facts show other wise, but because they are the top of the proverbial totem pole...the world is flat...until they decide it isn't.
So let's start the talk...
Before I say one thing I need this to be said...
If women spoke out against sexism and a man said "you bitches need to quit being so emotional" people would flip the fuck out!
But let a black person speak out on racism...someone feels its ok to yell out nigger!
What we refuse to accept is that any construct of oppression has nuances. Its not always going to be blatant or obvious. Sometimes you need to adjust your lenses, or listen to the "post-grads", Black America.
After experiencing constant barrages of racial attacks, whether it be covert or overt, Black America knows this topic. We live it.
We know that people get mistreated, what we are explaining isn't the mistreatment, but the motivation. Its like explaining transportation without stating what method of transportation.
I know there are the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons in the world that at times uses race to make profit.
Yet those people are used to deny or marginalize racism.
Does a Tawana Brawley scandal invalidate when a Tea Party member carries a sign that calls the president a Nigger?
Does "hymietown" invalidate empirical studies that shows unemployment is higher for black america?
Does a Malcolm X invalidate the fact that the New deal excluded blacks?
Does anything invalidate the fact that as black America can't get access to housing in certain areas, even thought they have the money for it?
Saggy pants don't invalidate police brutality.
Does the fact that the President is a democrat invalidate that although the right doesn't like him for that, they are utilizing race to assist in their message?
Now to many of my Black friends and beyond...I am going to let a BIG secret out.
Black people are so damn tired of having to have this talk...
Black people don't believe the other side is listening...
Black people want you to SHUT THE FUCK UP long enough to hear us...
Black people are so damn tired that the only time America can acknowledge racism is when someone says nigger...
More importantly quit acting like racism exists only when YOU see it! If you are telling black people when there is racism...that's racist!
If we see it, try asking what we see, why do we see it, and how can we deal with it.
Am I saying that as a person that isn't black you don't have a voice? Of course not, as a black man, I am saying you cant be the voice, the judge, and the executioner of what is and what is not racism.
While you may be able to see some of it...we live all of it.
Whether you like it or not...we have no choice of our own...earned this Masters degree.
I guess it was just a matter of time before someone would throw out the race card when it came to President Obama and the Debt Ceiling Crisis. The only question was who would be the one to play it? And the winner, or whiner if you prefer, is U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Tx), a member of the Congressional Black Caucus.
She cant speak on behalf of her constituents? She is whining?
Are her constituents whining?
Any Republican would want to make a Democrat a "one term president", how many would have the balls to say it aloud and face no retribution?
Any Republican would think that a Democratic president is many could say it at the State of the Union address and not garner a censure from the Congress?
But that's just politics...right?
I know that in life things aren't always as clear as they should be.
With the way life throws things at us on a daily basis, its almost impossible. I understand that. What I don't understand is when people deny things they don't understand, yet proclaim they do.
So today, I will be speaking about something that for a long time hasn't had a comprehensive discussion.
Let's start with an analogy. There are college courses that starts with a 094 or 095 remedial class. Then there are post-grad classes where you are working towards your Masters.
I understand that there are topics that I am not as informed or educated on. For those topics I need to be in a remedial class. For those topics I try to chime in only after listening and asking questions so that I can learn from those that have a post-grad understanding.
Yet what I just don't understand is when the people in the remedial classes speak out loud and expose their ignorance only because they have the numbers, they are the majority over the post-grads. Its as if the majority believes that the world is flat, even though facts show other wise, but because they are the top of the proverbial totem pole...the world is flat...until they decide it isn't.
So let's start the talk...
Before I say one thing I need this to be said...
If women spoke out against sexism and a man said "you bitches need to quit being so emotional" people would flip the fuck out!
But let a black person speak out on racism...someone feels its ok to yell out nigger!
What we refuse to accept is that any construct of oppression has nuances. Its not always going to be blatant or obvious. Sometimes you need to adjust your lenses, or listen to the "post-grads", Black America.
After experiencing constant barrages of racial attacks, whether it be covert or overt, Black America knows this topic. We live it.
We know that people get mistreated, what we are explaining isn't the mistreatment, but the motivation. Its like explaining transportation without stating what method of transportation.
I know there are the Al Sharptons and the Jesse Jacksons in the world that at times uses race to make profit.
Yet those people are used to deny or marginalize racism.
Does a Tawana Brawley scandal invalidate when a Tea Party member carries a sign that calls the president a Nigger?
Does "hymietown" invalidate empirical studies that shows unemployment is higher for black america?
Does a Malcolm X invalidate the fact that the New deal excluded blacks?
Does anything invalidate the fact that as black America can't get access to housing in certain areas, even thought they have the money for it?
Saggy pants don't invalidate police brutality.
Does the fact that the President is a democrat invalidate that although the right doesn't like him for that, they are utilizing race to assist in their message?
Now to many of my Black friends and beyond...I am going to let a BIG secret out.
Black people are so damn tired of having to have this talk...
Black people don't believe the other side is listening...
Black people want you to SHUT THE FUCK UP long enough to hear us...
Black people are so damn tired that the only time America can acknowledge racism is when someone says nigger...
More importantly quit acting like racism exists only when YOU see it! If you are telling black people when there is racism...that's racist!
If we see it, try asking what we see, why do we see it, and how can we deal with it.
Am I saying that as a person that isn't black you don't have a voice? Of course not, as a black man, I am saying you cant be the voice, the judge, and the executioner of what is and what is not racism.
While you may be able to see some of it...we live all of it.
Whether you like it or not...we have no choice of our own...earned this Masters degree.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Wisconsin's Good Fight
I have to give credit to the good state of Wisconsin. They really took the fight to the government that showed a greater interest in tax cuts than investing in the future with education. Rallies, some of the state Senate leaving the state to avoid a vote, and now recalling the very men that tried to undermine a state’s goal of education building and union fortifying. The great thing about it…they did it on their own.
Oh sure many other states, many other Dems and liberals had “team spirit” but they can’t vote can they?
That’s the big issue isn’t it? Wisconsin had to fight for their survival; their very existence is in jeopardy. What has been lost in this argument is how in the world did it get this far?
The recalls are happening because Wisconsin didn’t recall the previous eight years.
They did it again, like many other states they did it; they had lost sight of what was going on. They got mad at the Dems, got mad at Obama; they did what most progressives do when they get mad. They got beaten, badly. Ron Johnson won for Senate, he beat Russ Feingold. Russ Feingold! Scott Walker won the Governor’s seat. Out of eight positions of the state House of Representatives the right won 5. The right took over the state Senate as well. But hey, nothing could go wrong, right? I mean it could be no worse than having those heartless do nothing Democrats, right?
Big fucking WRONG!
The right went after Wisconsin like they were a political petri dish. They gutted the budget, attacked the unions, and went after voter suppression.
But that’s Obama’s fault right?
That line is getting old. He didn’t do what we wanted him to do. It’s been almost two years by 2010 and he hasn’t showered us with change! He didn’t come out to defend us when those bad men that WE, the state of Wisconsin voted in came after us.
Boo fucking hoo! You got what you had coming to you! You didn’t listen to the black man did you?
“You are the change you have been waiting for”!
Your votes, your organization, your spirit will get you what you want, not Obama! He is the president. He doesn’t get to vote in your state for anything, he doesn’t get to do anything that creates a law. That’s what your state representatives do. You see that now don’t you? Tired of waiting for Super Obama to fly in and save you? Good, save your damn self! That’s why this country is a republic and not a democracy. You need to quit bottle-necking your governmental focus. It ends with Obama, but as you have learned by having to do all that you are doing today in order to dig out of a ditch that you made on November 2, 2010…politics are local. If you don’t believe that yet, wait till 2012 and vote for someone besides Obama.
Unions will be the least of your problem.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Ayn Rand, Class Warfare, Solution
There has been a campaign in America since its inception; the best way to describe it would be the “class war”. Now, of course throughout our history there has been an evolution of the battle, so instead of producing a play by play lets state the current conditions and just give a solution.
Right now, many people are saying that the rich pays far too much in taxes. Imagine having to support millions and millions of people and the government with your hard earned capital. Why should they pay more than 50 percent of the taxes, when they “produce” most of the wealth?
That’s right leave; take your money, talent, and ideas out of America. Damn ingrates! Just pack up and leave! Take all the politicians that support the cause of economics and business with you, that’ll teach these lazy, undeserving, useless Americans! They will respect you once you leave; you know “you don’t know what you got till it’s gone”.
Imagine what America will do without you and all of your money. Ha! That will learn em' right? They will appreciate you after that! What would become of all those millions and millions of Americans without you…wait a minute.
You do know if you follow through with the threat, there are somethings that might not be…shall I say productive to your profits.
So, shall I tell you the problems?
When you leave the country, so does your businesses. No more Wal-Marts, No Targets, No Apple, No Microsoft, and no stock markets. What would America need that for? We would be a nation of small businesses. That’s right; you could not sell your products in America, why would you want to sell to a bunch of dependent, welfare-seeking, blood suckers? You are the cream of the crop! Why even associate with more than three hundred million potential customers? How dare they treat you like that, nerve of them asking you, a businessman, to assist in the American process! Business is global! Protectionism is against the very fiber of making profit…for you.
You being rich and successful already know of the failures that will occur in a country with no slave labor, a living wage, a respectful business model. They will come begging for you to return to save them from an existence without hazardous material such as clean coal, oil drilling, fracking, and last but not least long hours of work with minimum pay.
So the next time you poor people start whining and complaining about the rich taking advantage of you…remember…they could leave the country. Imagine the trouble you would be in.
P.S. We keep all of the military weapons as well. The second amendment people would demand it.
Left Wing Media? Yeah Right!

In the past two years I have watched the right and many others point out to the "liberal left-wing media. I have one question, not for the right, but for the left...define media please?
Since the Obama phenomenon, MSNBC and the alleged progressive media has played the ultimate game on the true progressives and liberals. A constant demand to rise up like the Tea Party, a drum beat to make change real is nothing more than the same beat that has been resounding in any and all media..."It’s All About The Benjamins"
I remember when Keith Olberman left MSNBC; I hoped for the exodus, how disappointing the reality was. Since the Tea Party came into existence, or should I say since America realized that the president was no longer the mirror image of the "American (exclusion) exceptionalism", the left has shown its true colors is green.
Ed Shultz was begged by the progressives to run for Kent Conrad's Senatorial spot in North Dakota, he denied the offer.
Really? You want us to protest, come to your events, buy your books and podcasts, but when you are called to represent you continued to count your money.
Rachel Maddow, (yes I'm swinging hard) has been asked to run against Scott Brown repeatedly in Massachusetts. Is she willing to answer the call? Nope, "I'm not a politician", that's not my thing.
Really? You want us to watch your show in order to make you the next Keith on MSNBC but you can’t...nevermind.
Norman Goldman, a new progressive mainstay on radio, the progeny of Ed Shultz, and a lawyer no less. Gets the call to run for office all the time..."not goin to do it".
Stephanie Miller has a "Sexy Liberal Tour" that is selling out everywhere she goes, a radio show, and appears on MSNBC often. She is the daughter of a former US representative who was Barry Goldwater's running mate in 1964. She gets asked to run for office as well..."Oh I'm just a comic with a show that makes fart jokes" Can someone please introduce her to Al Franken!
I have heard Cornell West say that Obama isn't a progressive, ok Mr. West. Quit your high status job as a professor and run for office. Quit complaining because you didn't get an invite to the inauguration.
All of these people in the media with a voice, with a wide base of possible voters, not one of them won’t run?
I just don't understand how a global Comcast/MSNBC juggernaut is a place that progressives should be investing their time and ratings on.
At what point will progressives see that the "professional progressives" are no different from the right? Money and having their "alter getting some worship time" is all that matters. They aren't for Obama and the left, they are riding the coat tails of a president that didn't need them to become president, but they are using the hell out of him to get some publicity.
I know for some this will be hard to swallow, especially since a lot of progressives are coming out against Obama. But isn't that the media's M.O.? We lift you up on a pedestal and then...we claim that we are responsible for your fall from grace. I say that there hasn't been grace for a president that walked into a job that lacked a foundation, support, or even a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell some have asked so many times why hasn't he fought more? With what a quasi-super-majority in the senate, or a 14th amendment that would have resulted in an impeachment for as long as it took to get him out in 2012? Didn't think about that did you?
Since the Obama phenomenon, MSNBC and the alleged progressive media has played the ultimate game on the true progressives and liberals. A constant demand to rise up like the Tea Party, a drum beat to make change real is nothing more than the same beat that has been resounding in any and all media..."It’s All About The Benjamins"
I remember when Keith Olberman left MSNBC; I hoped for the exodus, how disappointing the reality was. Since the Tea Party came into existence, or should I say since America realized that the president was no longer the mirror image of the "American (exclusion) exceptionalism", the left has shown its true colors is green.
Ed Shultz was begged by the progressives to run for Kent Conrad's Senatorial spot in North Dakota, he denied the offer.
Really? You want us to protest, come to your events, buy your books and podcasts, but when you are called to represent you continued to count your money.
Rachel Maddow, (yes I'm swinging hard) has been asked to run against Scott Brown repeatedly in Massachusetts. Is she willing to answer the call? Nope, "I'm not a politician", that's not my thing.
Really? You want us to watch your show in order to make you the next Keith on MSNBC but you can’t...nevermind.
Norman Goldman, a new progressive mainstay on radio, the progeny of Ed Shultz, and a lawyer no less. Gets the call to run for office all the time..."not goin to do it".
Stephanie Miller has a "Sexy Liberal Tour" that is selling out everywhere she goes, a radio show, and appears on MSNBC often. She is the daughter of a former US representative who was Barry Goldwater's running mate in 1964. She gets asked to run for office as well..."Oh I'm just a comic with a show that makes fart jokes" Can someone please introduce her to Al Franken!
I have heard Cornell West say that Obama isn't a progressive, ok Mr. West. Quit your high status job as a professor and run for office. Quit complaining because you didn't get an invite to the inauguration.
All of these people in the media with a voice, with a wide base of possible voters, not one of them won’t run?
I just don't understand how a global Comcast/MSNBC juggernaut is a place that progressives should be investing their time and ratings on.
At what point will progressives see that the "professional progressives" are no different from the right? Money and having their "alter getting some worship time" is all that matters. They aren't for Obama and the left, they are riding the coat tails of a president that didn't need them to become president, but they are using the hell out of him to get some publicity.
I know for some this will be hard to swallow, especially since a lot of progressives are coming out against Obama. But isn't that the media's M.O.? We lift you up on a pedestal and then...we claim that we are responsible for your fall from grace. I say that there hasn't been grace for a president that walked into a job that lacked a foundation, support, or even a light at the end of the tunnel. Hell some have asked so many times why hasn't he fought more? With what a quasi-super-majority in the senate, or a 14th amendment that would have resulted in an impeachment for as long as it took to get him out in 2012? Didn't think about that did you?
But the media isn't on your side. It isn't ever on your side. Fox, CNN, and yes MSNBC is all the same with nuances that are so close to each other that Jon Stewart can show a loop that has all three together and it’s like a simultaneous, collective monolith of media.
Am I being hard on the people that many of us love to watch, love to post their videos, love to say go get em'. Just know that in the end, they have only gotten after us, our time, our attention, and our pain. They are making money off of it.
Keith maybe a blow hard, an arrogant attention seeking public figure. But at least when he was pushed, he pulled out.
Am I being hard on the people that many of us love to watch, love to post their videos, love to say go get em'. Just know that in the end, they have only gotten after us, our time, our attention, and our pain. They are making money off of it.
Keith maybe a blow hard, an arrogant attention seeking public figure. But at least when he was pushed, he pulled out.
Am I My Brother's Keeper

I am a bit of a humanist when it comes to seeing people in pain, but I am a bit cynical in regards to those that are in “pain” all the time. You see to many of us in “pain” isn’t the same as in pain.
Allow me to use my limited vocabulary to differentiate the two, because to me, pain is pain. When one is in pain they suffer from true issues, true problems, and some problems could be drug addiction, childhood sexual abuse, or physical abuse of some fashion or another. Now for those in “pain” there may be true or real pain, but now it’s manifested into something dark, disconnected, and cerebral. It’s as if the pain caused a need to control everything in order to block out potential pain.
Ever notice the parent that seems to have a one way ticket on a control trip for example. Try many of our figures of authority; their control takes the place of their connection. At what point can you lead when you discount or abuse your followers? At what point can you teach if the student is viewed as the enemy, an equal, or just “another brick in the wall”?
Now, for those that are in a downward spiral, the need for help is necessary and needs to be expansive but the help rarely comes especially when we have become like cable viewers of a reality show, admiring the destruction of a human life. As many people perish because they were "unable to find the help they needed", there has to be a small percentage of accountability from the rest of us that just wouldn’t participate in helping but enjoyed the position of voyeur.
While many people would say that the populace isn’t responsible for what happens to a single individual, my question isn’t on the basis of responsibility, but that of accountability. Shouldn’t we all share in the pain of a soul being torn down or torn apart?
Doesn’t the loss of one healthy human being damage the human strand that we all are connected to? Isn’t it our right as humans to make sure that we survive in a world that doesn’t die because of pervasive elements that can only flourish when we as good people do nothing?
Pain is pain, no matter what its degree or level. If a football player spirals out of control due to alcohol or drug abuse, don’t we lose out on a great pool of potential and talent?
If a teacher that is burnt out due to educational bureaucracy hurt our future leaders and contributors? At what point did pain garner a litmus test?
Maybe the reality is we all are in pain and the air and aura of pain has become so thick that we just cant see others pain for our own. Or the pain we see in others renders us helpless when we realize we are going through the same thing.
I recommend we start to share in the pain, share in the healing, share each other.
Would you allow your “family” to be treated so harshly?
The construct of blood family is only true when you consider the construct and nothing else. Expound on family and then the elderly lady down the street that is white is now your family, the young black kid that hates school is now your family, the middle aged man that just lost his job and now is considered “over-qualified” for work and “under-qualified” for health care is now your family.
Isn’t the “community” getting smaller as the “family” is dying off?
Let’s save them both…and ourselves.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Four Elements

Well, the people, I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?
[On being asked who owned the patent on his polio vaccine by journalist, Edward R. Murrow in 1954.]-Jonas Salk
Imagine the horror for Dr. Salk to know, even in his existence, the powers that be already started to do that.
[On being asked who owned the patent on his polio vaccine by journalist, Edward R. Murrow in 1954.]-Jonas Salk
Imagine the horror for Dr. Salk to know, even in his existence, the powers that be already started to do that.
Just look at the elements, water…Evian…fire…Commonwealth Edison…earth…real estate…air…oxygen tanks.
The real question isn’t can you patent the sun; it’s what is the end game?
Water has been an abundant source for centuries! Yet, with the poisoning of so many water sources, we have become victims of the profit motive. Water filtration, bottled water, and the need to seek water irrigation for lands without true water sources have created water prices. WATER PRICES!
As we enter into a new century solar power is constantly presented as two opposite positions. One standing as solar being the future, the other side is saying maybe in the future, just not the near future for Americans. What concerns me is that when it’s something new, something better, better is only if you have better money.
But in other European countries, solar is the present. Those darn socialists really know how to ruin a good thing.
As the world is becoming a packed house with more than six billion people, the earth from industrialized farming to real estate is no longer a frontier. It’s becoming slowly but surely a mad rush to claim a piece of land of our own. But with the earth being what it is naturally, can we actually claim ownership of land with hurricanes, tectonic plates, and a litany of natural occurrences. How long can it be before the next climate change decides that water need to be one place it has never been before?
Slowly our air with the assistance of a mass of machines, toxic fumes, and so many needing sources of fossil fuels to use almost everything from plastics to the very computer I am typing on, is poisoning our air. How long before a need for either oxygen tanks or a more expansive bubble of communities just to survive.
It could be so easy to place blame at the feet of so many of us, but blame never solves a problem.
Besides, I doubt Dr. Salk would look for blame. I hope we don’t try to patent that too.
Action and solutions would help the sick and needy. I just hope we find out that the sick is our four elements before we become the needy. This world doesn’t need us to survive, it’s the opposite, and we need it.
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