Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Mother is the name for God in the lips and hearts of little children.
William Makepeace Thackeray

After watching this society, this culture, this last mass shooting...

I have to ask...

Is this "YOUR" god? You know the one that hates gays...condones slaves...oppresses women...bomb countries to spread democracy...I mean capitalism...slaughtered the indigenous Americans...caused financial depression on the middle class and the poor?

Oh wait...women aren't given the voice they deserve...the voice based on the rampant murders from New York to California we really need right now.

In a country that has an amazing history of its women's leaders is mind boggling.

Native American women were tribal leaders, warriors, equal to the men.
African women were queens, leaders, educated, warriors, got to dictate their successors at times...they were women.

The temperance movement in America...women!
Safe working conditions in America...women!
When our children were dying from drunk driving...women took the charge!

Now something is needed...your voice.

We men, this nation needs, the GIVER OF LIFE to save us from ourselves.

You have to demand that, we as a people do something about our failings.

The men wont admit that this isn't be honest in another week we wont even have done a damn thing about all the lives we have taken in the name of sport, mental illness, revenge, war, religion, conflicts, democracy, bravado, machismo, stupidity, fear, and insecurity.

You see we don't get what child birth is...WE DON'T!
We don't understand that we have gone too damn far...WE DON'T!

We are too busy justifying...obfuscating...keeping the status quo...satisfying those that pay us to keep them rich...politicizing...getting on soap boxes to defend our latest drama.

This situation requires a woman's touch.

You are our Alpha and Omega.

Our saving grace...because if you sat us down and asked us to be honest as to how can we do better...the answer would be disappointing...

Based on the society we have made...


We have sailed through history on faith, ignored facts, and tried our level best to keep a fucked up situation from falling apart in the hopes that you wouldn't call us on our bullshit.

We aren't that strong...

We obviously aren't that wise...

We obviously...have failed...

You might want to step in before we try to fix something many babies can we afford to take from you...






Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 Theatre Part 2

I have been trying to find the words to convey to my friends on the right without being harsh. I know this post will fail that standard. There is a problem in what you have done.

You made mistakes that have become a case study for future political science students.

You became caricatures, cartoonish, and above all lacking of anything of value.


I remember in 1994, you came into office with a plan and carried it out! It was a well-played hand. You showed that you were about getting things done. But fast forward just six years…


You lost your damn minds!


You started to act more like the Kool-Aid drinkers that those pouring the Kool-Aid.

You STOLE…YES YOU STOLE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! Now many of you will say “why bring up irrelevant issues?”  My retort is simple…the Supreme Court is NOT where the elections are settled…it’s the congress! It’s the damn law! How in the hell did a group of 9 unelected, unaccountable people could determine who could be president if it isn’t the law?


That was NOT enough was it? 9/11…


The administration allowed an attack with our own planes! Not that you weren’t informed…



You knew this was coming…you just didn’t care.


Then instead of getting a special ops team to get OBL…you started a war! Then you…oh wait…you started two wars! All the while, ignoring the man that you promised America you would bring to justice!


But that wasn’t enough; during war you cut taxes, a move that was historically unprecedented.


Oh but that wasn’t enough for you either…you started to believe the bullshit you pedal to the masses. While the economic landscape was imploding, you just kept moving along with primaries of members of the party that couldn’t win no matter who was the opponent. Then you selected McCain…he selected another Kool-Aid drinker…Sarah Palin. Did you go to him and say…”ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!” You selected a third tier weather girl to be a heartbeat away from the presidency?


With every move you gave away credibility…


But your biggest mistake was accomplished in 2010. Senatorial candidates that were more of a SNL character than the SNL characters themselves. You took the house and gave away the Senate. 


Then when it came time to prove that you had learned from your mistakes…you doubled down on them. You became obstructionists, political cock blockers, the party of… NO way will we do anything. Instead of coming in and making shit better and showing America that with the next president being from your party, you decided to show America…your ass. As you reigned over the president, blaming him for no jobs, it must have slipped your mind that you made promises as well. You forgot that when you were in power before jobs left the country quicker than Paul Ryan’s fraudulent marathon times.


Nope you didn’t mirror Newt Gingrich’s 1994 party moves…instead you brought the philandering petulant cry baby to the presidential primaries. What’s even more incredible he was one of the better options to choose from? The only other one was George Romney’s son. I call him that because that’s the only thing that got him as far as he did. Did nothing at Bain except make money off of other people’s hard work, as a governor he was mediocre at best, for the Olympics he didn’t save it, he…say it with me…had the government bail it out. But yes, George’s kid wanted the auto industry to fold and then bragged about his father’s past to defend his position. Son, you are no George Romney, he was a man of values and principles, and you gained fortune from the shade he created for you. When it was time to take a stand, you developed feet of clay. You showed the American people that you had no plan, no vision, but a truckload of promises. You presented promises in the form of results and never gave a single clue as to how the results would manifest, except to say that a “vote for me will make things better” because I'm not the black guy.


Video footage of your class privilege didn’t bury you, saying that “corporations are people too” didn’t bury you, and the fact that the white electorate shrinking didn’t bury you.


You failed the only test that all presidential candidates get:


Does the electorate like you?


Does the electorate know you?


Does the electorate trust you?


But that wasn’t enough for the party was it?


You needed to repeat 2010…you put the Kool-Aid drinkers out in front to run for office!




You can’t blame Karl Rove for this! He played the hand he was dealt!

The crazies were running the asylum!


You found the legitimate rape candidates…

The WWE candidates…really you didn’t learn from the fact that she was a loser in 2010 that her money was no good in 2012?

You found all the angry white men to be out in the forefront…

Ever seen Rush Limbaugh run for office? Ever seen Ann Coulter say hey I want to be a senator? Do you know why? They make money by being controversial!

Politician don’t make controversy…they make policy!


You forgot your job was to serve the people and skim off the top!


You got stupid by running the stupidest!


Never use your supply as a drug dealer, but you just ran the Kool-Aid up your nose!


And in the end…


You overdosed on your own supply.
Because you could NOT get enough.


Imagine for a moment that there is someone for everyone…


Doesn’t that make you smile, happy, and for some relieved. Now what that means that there are skinny people that like bigger people and vice-versa. Size matters to a size queen, but there are also queens that want a king to fill them up and the have a lesser requirement. Isn’t it grand that for every man that wants a top heavy woman, there is another that a handful is enough?


Instead of listing each and every match, let’s just make it simple…different strokes for different folks.


But my point is the first sentence and…a lesson in acceptance and positivity.

Everyone has a preference, a picture in their mind that makes our sexual core sing. Just as we all are an individual yin and yang, there are pictures that don’t hit the right note. I wonder sometimes is the focus on the wrong note a commentary on what we see or who we are. Are we truly a solo project that seeks expansion of our small world to facilitate a view that we share and seek to impose it on everyone else? Doesn’t that take away that somebody for me, somebody for you, somebody for us all? If what you hold dear takes away from someone else, do you truly believe in love matches? Has judgment become so constrictive that the only song that is heard is the only beat you can dance to?


Love is like song…like music. Can we honestly say one beat is best, or better than all the rest? If it works for you, looking at how it makes you feel can help you see that you want the whole world to feel that way…HAPPY!


Happy is all we want, somebody to love us and somebody for us to love. If nothing is wrong with two adults loving each other how can there be one physical or emotional type to satisfy us all. Thousands of beautiful songs walk by us every day. Old love, new love, fast love, slow love, big love, small love, and growing love everyday making two people happy…what more can one ask for?


What more should you ask for?


I know when it comes to love I want the world to feel like I feel…with someone that gives them that feeling…happy and loved.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012 Theatre

So it’s over…

No more election…

No more left vs. right…

Before we as a nation comes together…

Time for some truth…

1. When a skinny kid with a funny name gave the keynote speech in 2004, I knew…

This was a two term president.

2. Bill Clinton wasn’t the great help that you think.

3. This was NOT a choice of a lesser evil.

4. Obama’s role isn’t what you think it is or should be.

5. You blew a great opportunity and Obama bailed you out.

Now, let’s address each one…

When the president won in 2008, the left did what they do best…lose in the face of victory. MSNBC, like all the rest of the other conservative media outlets focused on the Tea party for the next two years. How in the hell did a record in two years create a health care plan, equal pay for women, Pell grants removed from the banks, bailed out the auto industry, and…and…and…and…and…and…(you get my point) get a focus of the tea party? I know…its great theatre for both sides. The left over reacts and the right feels emboldened. All the while, President Obama kept…being the president…he kept working. Not campaigning, not patting himself on the back, and not crying about a record number of filibusters. He went to work and stayed that way. He was re-elected because of his record showed vision.

Bill Clinton didn’t explain shit…did Flavor Flav explain what Chuck D was saying? Oh you think that white people needed a white (knight) man to come stand by President Obama and explain that he put two women into the Supreme Court, one being a Latina, he made it possible for savings in health care that people still don’t have the initiative to check on to understand what no co-pays mean or no pre-existing conditions stopping you from health care coverage means? President Obama signed into law that had previous presidents done Lilly Ledbetter would have been able to sue to be compensated for not getting equal pay for equal work. President Obama did these things while having obstruction and a Congress that did nothing for two long years! You really think people needed to have that explained? BULLSHIT!

In simple terms…Romney did the unthinkable…he stumbled in every step he made. While I understand that many very politically ignorant people see a perception of our political landscape of no difference or a lesser of two evils, I will say one thing…one side tried during their term…the other side allowed two separate 9/11s, one financial, the other violent during their term. Still don’t see a difference? Then you are the problem.

One of the things I have seen as President Obama has governed is a management quality that really should be what the presidents in the future should emulate. Imagine what a stronger Democratic congress could have accomplished had it appreciated and acted on his management example. He, the president is a constitutional lawyer…it showed. The president isn’t supposed to defend or explain a congressional law…that’s CONGRESS’ RESPONSIBILTIY! Bully pulpits should have never been in the hands of one man…it is the responsibility of a Congress speaking in unison. The fact that they couldn’t even explain the ACA or defend it in the 2010 election proves that they deserved what happened. It spoke to the lack of good representatives and senators on the left. Couple that with a large absence of the liberal votes in 2010 and there is a switch in the House.


That was all I said for four years! But nooooooooooooo! In 2010 you bailed! You forgot about what I like to call the “next big thing sell.” You see when there is something hot people jump on the band wagon (remember the 2008 Obama campaign) and they want to know what has you so excited…I SAID YOU! NOT PRESIDENT OBAMA! NOT NANCY PELOSI! NOT BILL CLINTON! You forgot to sell the “next big thing” because you didn’t get what YOU wanted…or should I say YOU didn’t know what you had. In 2008 YOU had hope evolve into change and could see the damn change. The ACA wasn’t change? Ask the man with CANCER and bills of 210 thousand dollars with a health care plan that has a 200 thousand dollar ceiling has change happened? Ask the parent of a newborn with a birth defect is there change. Ask the woman who was born a pre-existing condition is there change. No you didn’t see change because you were…disappointed. Aint that a bitch? It’s like you found out you were multi-orgasmic and left the partner that did that for you because they gave you eight orgasms instead of nine! What more did you want? Did you think Allen West, Mitch McConnell, or Mitt Romney would give it to you? Damn people, politics is a slow and messy process! Eight is enough to be considered progress!

But President Obama did exactly what he does so very well…when the switch was needed to be pulled…HE PULLED IT! He didn’t mention what he did every day, he didn’t come out with a “vision”, he already had a record and he stood by it. He didn’t even need to bash his competitor…Romney did it for him!

You stayed pensive and hopeful in an environment of change. I saw more enthusiasm for the iPhone 5! But President Obama and VP Biden came out swinging while you argued with trolls and cried on left wing radio.

Face facts…he bailed out your doubts with a ground game that did what you couldn’t do…they walked in truth…of change.

Care to join the band wagon?

Care to accept that YOU are the change YOU have been waiting for?

Or are you going to waste valuable time trying to “push the president to the left?”

Time to make the Congress blue and the right bluer with more change!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Batman and Superman...A Breakdown

I was once a comic book junkie. I loved any of them I could get my hands on. But there was always a love/hate scenario for me. I loved Batman and hated Superman. Batman was the detective, the human, the night. Superman was just that…super.


But as I got older, Batman and his complexities became simple, human, and easy to dissect. But Superman was becoming more and more complicated. He was and is evolving.



In the latest issue of the Superman comic book, which goes on sale on Wednesday, the caped hero's alter ego, Clark Kent, quits his job as a journalist at the Daily Planet. A staff member at a comic book store in New York City's Times Square says the superhero left the tabloid after voicing his disdain for the direction the newspaper is headed, lacking real journalism and real reporting





In Action Comics latest issue, Superman proclaims himself a citizen of the universe after clashing with the U.S. government. Which puts rather a dent in his longtime motto: Truth, justice and the American way.




How does one reconcile with being an alien, with no one of his kind to relate to, all the while walking around with the restrictions of a Buddhist monk walking on rice paper?


That’s what Superman deals with EVERYDAY!


I unfortunately relate to that…


Someone once asked me do I feel alone a lot, I truly wanted to answer honestly and say…

“Only when I'm around people.” But I humbly responded with an appeasing…sometimes.

You see I don’t think I'm super…or an alien…ok maybe an alien…but I don’t think I'm better…I think I'm flawed and alone. How can one associate with a society of humans that is fearful of being humane? How can one associate with a species that has evolved above all others with communication, but can’t exist in a civilized manner?

I was dismissed the other day by a work associate that asked why I am always philosophizing. I wanted some much to show him something humane, emotional, and empathetic. But like so many people it would have been lost on them, so my flaw came out…

“Philosophy is the study of life, I am not just a student of it, but I do my damnedest to live it.” “It’s not enough to study and parse through theory, we must prove our humanity every damned day by executing applications of life or we are no better than the animals we foolishly look down on.”

He thinks I am crazy now…fool…he should have known that I am based on what we deem normal. I am damn sure not that.

Haven’t we changed the cliché of “no man is an island” by determining what makes a man beyond being humane? Money, penis size, love of god, love of country, or love of family has become some of our metrics for being a man. I don’t know if I even qualify as a man in many circles.

Real men don’t cry…wear pink…eat quiche…amongst other things…show emotion…
never let you see them sweat…etc…

Silly me…I thought being a man was all you needed to be real. These true and real labels just make a clear understanding faint.

Batman could never be a real man…in the comics he just is a man…Superman on the other hand…well…I guess we will have to stay tuned for that.

Monday, August 13, 2012

They Didnt Die...They Just Multiply

I fondly remember October 15, 2004. Jon Stewart helped to expose the hypocrisy of the CNN show "Crossfire". You see news shows have moved closer to an intellectual Jerry Springer than that of a news program that would inform the masses. Its conflicting drama, not a political analyst show. But when Jon Stewart said " hurting America" the smoke and mirrors met a fan and a brick. I hoped then that the news shows (ok not including FOX) would improve their programming.

How wrong I was.

It had to happen sometime.

On Friday, Bob Beckel, one of the hosts of Fox News' "The Five," lashed out at MSNBC's newest show, "The Cycle," accusing the rival program of ripping his show off.

The format of "The Cycle" -- four hosts sit around a table and discuss issues of the day -- is indeed similar to "The Five," though the MSNBC show has many more guests than the Fox News show does.

When the show debuted, its executive producer Steve Friedman scoffed at the idea that he was ripping anyone off.

"When 'The Five' started, did you go and ask them if they were doing 'The View'?" he said to The Huffington Post. "When 'The View' started, did you ask them if they were doing the 'Today' show?"

Now I want you to ask this very important question:

Are we truly entertaining the question of a show on a 24 hour news channel that is comparing itself to a morning talk show? Now my Jerry Springer reference isnt so far fetched. That in itself is the tragedy.

The news isnt disseminated to the masses to inform, but to entertain. Its about ratings...ratings are about money...the money comes from ads.

So what wont the so called "news (always keep the focus on the next word) media" do to keep the money coming in?

Lets examine:

Allow false references like terrorists, Al-qaeda, Muslim, gay rights, Obamacare, stealing your guns, welfare, Willie Horton, Swiftboat, 3am phone calls, and a litany of campaign ads to permeate their programming at a 35 to 65 rate of exposure to commercials to news?

Of course they will! Its all about money!

So if the media with their 24 hour news shows wish to make money guess what they cant give you...

The news!

No way can they inform you...

No way can they expose crime and injustice...

No way can they be news...

Now its pundits, lobbyists, and cynical political hacks that get on to tell you "What's Not Goin' On"!

The Five and the Cycle are just more of Crossfire with a larger casts of characters that lack character.

The next time one of you brag about how Jon Stewart "killed" Crossfire, think again.

The back and forth of political spin didn't die...It multiplied.

Today's programs on the 24 hour news channel only proves that the now History...

The news birth.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Liberals Are Such Smart...LOSERS!

"If you are so damn smart why do you lose all the time!"

That is the quote that I would like to address.
You see on the premiere of HBO's "Newsroom" the lead character played by Jeff Daniels was asked about the "greatness" of America. Well he had two people that he sat in the middle of, one liberal and the other conservative. His retort to the liberal was the quote above. His response to the conservative was massive!

I wanted to address this earlier, but didn't have the time.

Lets look at the statement he made. He is right, liberals lose...A LOT!

Now I find it amusing and simultaneously disheartening that he didn't explain why. He made a great empirical breakdown of the fallacies of the conservatives beliefs, but to the liberal...NADA!

Now it wouldn't be right to harp on Sorkin's script writing. But lets look at the character that made the "inspiring" rant. He is a conservative. Really? Aaron Sorkin made a show about the news that wished to be the news with a conservative at the helm. Why? Could it be his way to make the character valid or credible? To whom was he trying to get validity from? Is he saying no one would ever believe that a liberal would be hard-hitting, intelligent, charismatic, and valid. We haven't had one in news?
Can you name one?
Rachel, Chris, Lawrence, or maybe Keith? Now when I say valid...look at the Daniels character. Can you see the interviews he has had being done on Comcast/MSNBC? 

They would either get pulled off the air or not one person of political credibility would ever show their face on the show.

Before I get back to the liberals always losing quote know there is a reason the liberals always seem to lose. But first lets address the issue that has me tired of ignoring..."labels".
I have heard the argument of labels and how so many share a disdain for them, I say they are not labels! They are the way we process our morals. The best way we describe the policies we wish to live by. That's not a label. We try to be cute and act as if we are above it all while we engage on our social media. But we are not above it. Listen and pay attention to the people online long enough and without a screen name or even a picture, you can tell their race, gender, or political affiliation. How can we tell? Because everyone says what they are in their their beliefs. Sure there maybe some slight contradictions, but we are who we are. There is an insult when we start referring to them as labels. Its an insult to a person who loves the environment and wants people to have a fair shot at happiness. Lets be honest, many of us just want that...happiness. Not success, but just happiness. And we lose sight of that, we have allowed words to be co-opted to the point that success and happiness has two totally different meaning but share the same space. The American dream is now to be a lottery ticket winner, instead of a person that makes a decent living with a house and retirement. So lets forget progressive or liberal is a label and accept that it is a way of life.

Allow me this anecdotal moment...
As I was going through the Internet last night I was scanning my favorite television channel, CSPAN. I came across a 90 minute video from the Center for American Progress on making education better. Now for those that don't know, Center for American Progress is a liberal/progressive think tank. They're information is comprehensive and well said. As I was looking at their own website(yes I had NEVER been on it before) I was reminded of the presidential campaigns of Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama. Can you consider those three to be liberals? Most would say no, some would say hell no! Centrist...all of them. But lets be honest, they weren't centrist. They were...WINNERS! Now how did they become winners when Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry were losers? When these others were liberals, but lost, what made the others winners?
Could it be that cardboard could have defeated those three that lost? What were they missing?

If you want to have people wish that you were the leader they need to know whats in it for them!
You see the art of communication is key in politics. When you look at the winners, they all had a nickname.
Clinton...Slick Willie, Teflon Bill.
JFK...he ushered in "Camelot"
Obama...Celebrity of The United States, Rock Star!
I guess when you look at them all...Rock Star is a fitting nickname for all three. Because all great politicians have the ability to present WIFM to the masses. Even when they stand in front of thousands the persona they relay gives the average citizen the appearance that its THEM that is being spoken to.
Quick on their feet...Clinton would have never allowed Bernard Shaw to trip him up on a question. Obama would never talk about taxing people as if he knows something everyone else doesn't. Kennedy would have NEVER been "Swiftboated".
Look at the liberal/progressives in office today with a "Rock Star" persona...
I'll wait for you to find a few. Exactly! Smart? Yes! Able to convey fantastic empirical stats? Hell yes!
Make a paragraph of facts into an awesome twenty page thesis paper? Oh yeah. Rock Star?
No! No! No! No! No! No!
So look at the "Rock Stars" in your party and groom them, educate them, and put them out in front! Look at the Elizabeth Warrens and Van Jones of the party and keep them on "stage".
Cause the politics is about one simple thing...
The cynical speaks to the emotional and the emotional vote for them...
Time for you to take the stage...
Or you will always be behind the velvet rope.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The REAL Reason Hollywood Is "Liberal"

Its almost a ubiquitous meme for the Republicans to demagogue the liberals by stating the Hollywood "Elites" are on their side. Its odd how the portrayal to label doesn't fit why they get the label.
But lets look at the obvious:
Hollywood people are deviants!

Gay (Larry Craig) loving deviants!
Pedophiles (John David Roy Atchison) they are!
Sex (David Vitter) purchasers!
They cheat (Mark Sanford) on their wives!
They are just (Ted Haggard) rampant (Rush Limbaugh) drug users!
They raise (Don Haidl) their kids to be horrible people and justify it!

But lets come clean...its not about sex. It never was. Its an emotional button to inspire the weak to join in on the Hollywood bashing!

Its about money! 


I know many are saying that Hollywood is about money! Yup!
They steal ideas...engage in cover-ups...attempt to destroy careers...and always...


That's the problem for the Republicans...

Their donors don't make money the way Hollywood does.

Hollywood needs viewership at the movies. In order for viewer to exist they need money.
In order for viewers to have money they need jobs.
The more the merrier!
Hollywood (lets use Tom Cruise) has members in SAG...yup a...


Even an extra has a SAG card!

They also are trying to sell you on your imagination with dreams of possibilities, so that the next sci-fi doesn't remind you of Battlefield Earth... isn't Scientology grand?!

But hey Hollywood gives you something else...

An out...a way to go spend time with your family, loved ones, or just some friends to hang out with. Cant do that when you work 80 hours a week or you are so unemployed the rent is due and all you can do is just stay in the fetal position in your home and cry.

Hollywood needs happy people that want to dream that they can fly...
Thinkers that want to argue about if Michael Keaton is still the better Batman...

So the next time you are listening to the bashing of Hollywood...
Open your mind...are they greedy little SOB's that wish to take as much as they can?
Do they want to leave you with enough to support them?

Hollywood and its viewers have a symbiotic relationship...
If you are broke...they don't break sales records.

Can you say the same of Monsanto...Koch Brothers...Rupert Murdoch...Wal-Mart...

Or even...


Movies need viewers...not slaves.