Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Liberals Are Such Smart...LOSERS!

"If you are so damn smart why do you lose all the time!"

That is the quote that I would like to address.
You see on the premiere of HBO's "Newsroom" the lead character played by Jeff Daniels was asked about the "greatness" of America. Well he had two people that he sat in the middle of, one liberal and the other conservative. His retort to the liberal was the quote above. His response to the conservative was massive!

I wanted to address this earlier, but didn't have the time.

Lets look at the statement he made. He is right, liberals lose...A LOT!

Now I find it amusing and simultaneously disheartening that he didn't explain why. He made a great empirical breakdown of the fallacies of the conservatives beliefs, but to the liberal...NADA!

Now it wouldn't be right to harp on Sorkin's script writing. But lets look at the character that made the "inspiring" rant. He is a conservative. Really? Aaron Sorkin made a show about the news that wished to be the news with a conservative at the helm. Why? Could it be his way to make the character valid or credible? To whom was he trying to get validity from? Is he saying no one would ever believe that a liberal would be hard-hitting, intelligent, charismatic, and valid. We haven't had one in news?
Can you name one?
Rachel, Chris, Lawrence, or maybe Keith? Now when I say valid...look at the Daniels character. Can you see the interviews he has had being done on Comcast/MSNBC? 

They would either get pulled off the air or not one person of political credibility would ever show their face on the show.

Before I get back to the liberals always losing quote know there is a reason the liberals always seem to lose. But first lets address the issue that has me tired of ignoring..."labels".
I have heard the argument of labels and how so many share a disdain for them, I say they are not labels! They are the way we process our morals. The best way we describe the policies we wish to live by. That's not a label. We try to be cute and act as if we are above it all while we engage on our social media. But we are not above it. Listen and pay attention to the people online long enough and without a screen name or even a picture, you can tell their race, gender, or political affiliation. How can we tell? Because everyone says what they are in their their beliefs. Sure there maybe some slight contradictions, but we are who we are. There is an insult when we start referring to them as labels. Its an insult to a person who loves the environment and wants people to have a fair shot at happiness. Lets be honest, many of us just want that...happiness. Not success, but just happiness. And we lose sight of that, we have allowed words to be co-opted to the point that success and happiness has two totally different meaning but share the same space. The American dream is now to be a lottery ticket winner, instead of a person that makes a decent living with a house and retirement. So lets forget progressive or liberal is a label and accept that it is a way of life.

Allow me this anecdotal moment...
As I was going through the Internet last night I was scanning my favorite television channel, CSPAN. I came across a 90 minute video from the Center for American Progress on making education better. Now for those that don't know, Center for American Progress is a liberal/progressive think tank. They're information is comprehensive and well said. As I was looking at their own website(yes I had NEVER been on it before) I was reminded of the presidential campaigns of Kennedy, Clinton, and Obama. Can you consider those three to be liberals? Most would say no, some would say hell no! Centrist...all of them. But lets be honest, they weren't centrist. They were...WINNERS! Now how did they become winners when Mondale, Dukakis, and Kerry were losers? When these others were liberals, but lost, what made the others winners?
Could it be that cardboard could have defeated those three that lost? What were they missing?

If you want to have people wish that you were the leader they need to know whats in it for them!
You see the art of communication is key in politics. When you look at the winners, they all had a nickname.
Clinton...Slick Willie, Teflon Bill.
JFK...he ushered in "Camelot"
Obama...Celebrity of The United States, Rock Star!
I guess when you look at them all...Rock Star is a fitting nickname for all three. Because all great politicians have the ability to present WIFM to the masses. Even when they stand in front of thousands the persona they relay gives the average citizen the appearance that its THEM that is being spoken to.
Quick on their feet...Clinton would have never allowed Bernard Shaw to trip him up on a question. Obama would never talk about taxing people as if he knows something everyone else doesn't. Kennedy would have NEVER been "Swiftboated".
Look at the liberal/progressives in office today with a "Rock Star" persona...
I'll wait for you to find a few. Exactly! Smart? Yes! Able to convey fantastic empirical stats? Hell yes!
Make a paragraph of facts into an awesome twenty page thesis paper? Oh yeah. Rock Star?
No! No! No! No! No! No!
So look at the "Rock Stars" in your party and groom them, educate them, and put them out in front! Look at the Elizabeth Warrens and Van Jones of the party and keep them on "stage".
Cause the politics is about one simple thing...
The cynical speaks to the emotional and the emotional vote for them...
Time for you to take the stage...
Or you will always be behind the velvet rope.


  1. I am desperately trying to see if I can comment here. Or if I fudged it too badly.

  2. Yes! I am here and following you. Rocks!
