I have been trying to find the words to convey to my friends
on the right without being harsh. I know this post will fail that standard.
There is a problem in what you have done.
You made mistakes that have become a case study for future
political science students.
You became caricatures, cartoonish, and above all lacking of
anything of value.
I remember in 1994, you came into office with a plan and
carried it out! It was a well-played hand. You showed that you were about
getting things done. But fast forward just six years…
You lost your damn minds!
You started to act more like the Kool-Aid drinkers that those
pouring the Kool-Aid.
you will say “why bring up irrelevant issues?”
My retort is simple…the Supreme Court is NOT where the elections are
settled…it’s the congress! It’s the damn law! How in the hell did a group of 9
unelected, unaccountable people could determine who could be president if it isn’t
the law?
That was NOT enough was it? 9/11…
The administration allowed an attack with our own planes!
Not that you weren’t informed…
You knew this was coming…you just didn’t care.
Then instead of getting a special ops team to get OBL…you
started a war! Then you…oh wait…you started two wars! All the while, ignoring
the man that you promised America you would bring to justice!
But that wasn’t enough; during war you cut taxes, a move
that was historically unprecedented.
Oh but that wasn’t enough for you either…you started to
believe the bullshit you pedal to the masses. While the economic landscape was
imploding, you just kept moving along with primaries of members of the party
that couldn’t win no matter who was the opponent. Then you selected McCain…he
selected another Kool-Aid drinker…Sarah Palin. Did you go to him and say…”ARE
YOU FUCKING CRAZY!” You selected a third tier weather girl to be a heartbeat
away from the presidency?
With every move you gave away credibility…
But your biggest mistake was accomplished in 2010.
Senatorial candidates that were more of a SNL character than the SNL characters
themselves. You took the house and gave away the Senate.
Then when it came time to prove that you had learned from your
mistakes…you doubled down on them. You became obstructionists, political cock
blockers, the party of… NO way will we do anything. Instead of coming in and
making shit better and showing America that with the next president being from
your party, you decided to show America…your ass. As you reigned over the
president, blaming him for no jobs, it must have slipped your mind that you
made promises as well. You forgot that when you were in power before jobs left
the country quicker than Paul Ryan’s fraudulent marathon times.
Nope you didn’t mirror Newt Gingrich’s 1994 party moves…instead
you brought the philandering petulant cry baby to the presidential primaries. What’s
even more incredible he was one of the better options to choose from? The only
other one was George Romney’s son. I call him that because that’s the only
thing that got him as far as he did. Did nothing at Bain except make money off
of other people’s hard work, as a governor he was mediocre at best, for the
Olympics he didn’t save it, he…say it with me…had the government bail it out.
But yes, George’s kid wanted the auto industry to fold and then bragged about
his father’s past to defend his position. Son, you are no George Romney, he was
a man of values and principles, and you gained fortune from the shade he
created for you. When it was time to take a stand, you developed feet of clay.
You showed the American people that you had no plan, no vision, but a truckload
of promises. You presented promises in the form of results and never gave a
single clue as to how the results would manifest, except to say that a “vote
for me will make things better” because I'm not the black guy.
Video footage of your class privilege didn’t bury you,
saying that “corporations are people too” didn’t bury you, and the fact that
the white electorate shrinking didn’t bury you.
You failed the only test that all presidential candidates
Does the electorate like you?
Does the electorate know you?
Does the electorate trust you?
But that wasn’t enough for the party was it?
You needed to repeat 2010…you put the Kool-Aid drinkers out
in front to run for office!
You can’t blame Karl Rove for this! He played the hand he
was dealt!
The crazies were running the asylum!
You found the legitimate rape candidates…
The WWE candidates…really you didn’t learn from the fact
that she was a loser in 2010 that her money was no good in 2012?
You found all the angry white men to be out in the forefront…
Ever seen Rush Limbaugh run for office? Ever seen Ann
Coulter say hey I want to be a senator? Do you know why? They make money by
being controversial!
Politician don’t make controversy…they make policy!
You forgot your job was to serve the people and skim off the
You got stupid by running the stupidest!
Never use your supply as a drug dealer, but you just ran the
Kool-Aid up your nose!
And in the end…
You overdosed on your own supply.
Because you could NOT get enough.
BRAVO!!! Well said, and the last line sums it all up. In a number of ways.