Saturday, October 27, 2012

Batman and Superman...A Breakdown

I was once a comic book junkie. I loved any of them I could get my hands on. But there was always a love/hate scenario for me. I loved Batman and hated Superman. Batman was the detective, the human, the night. Superman was just that…super.


But as I got older, Batman and his complexities became simple, human, and easy to dissect. But Superman was becoming more and more complicated. He was and is evolving.



In the latest issue of the Superman comic book, which goes on sale on Wednesday, the caped hero's alter ego, Clark Kent, quits his job as a journalist at the Daily Planet. A staff member at a comic book store in New York City's Times Square says the superhero left the tabloid after voicing his disdain for the direction the newspaper is headed, lacking real journalism and real reporting





In Action Comics latest issue, Superman proclaims himself a citizen of the universe after clashing with the U.S. government. Which puts rather a dent in his longtime motto: Truth, justice and the American way.




How does one reconcile with being an alien, with no one of his kind to relate to, all the while walking around with the restrictions of a Buddhist monk walking on rice paper?


That’s what Superman deals with EVERYDAY!


I unfortunately relate to that…


Someone once asked me do I feel alone a lot, I truly wanted to answer honestly and say…

“Only when I'm around people.” But I humbly responded with an appeasing…sometimes.

You see I don’t think I'm super…or an alien…ok maybe an alien…but I don’t think I'm better…I think I'm flawed and alone. How can one associate with a society of humans that is fearful of being humane? How can one associate with a species that has evolved above all others with communication, but can’t exist in a civilized manner?

I was dismissed the other day by a work associate that asked why I am always philosophizing. I wanted some much to show him something humane, emotional, and empathetic. But like so many people it would have been lost on them, so my flaw came out…

“Philosophy is the study of life, I am not just a student of it, but I do my damnedest to live it.” “It’s not enough to study and parse through theory, we must prove our humanity every damned day by executing applications of life or we are no better than the animals we foolishly look down on.”

He thinks I am crazy now…fool…he should have known that I am based on what we deem normal. I am damn sure not that.

Haven’t we changed the cliché of “no man is an island” by determining what makes a man beyond being humane? Money, penis size, love of god, love of country, or love of family has become some of our metrics for being a man. I don’t know if I even qualify as a man in many circles.

Real men don’t cry…wear pink…eat quiche…amongst other things…show emotion…
never let you see them sweat…etc…

Silly me…I thought being a man was all you needed to be real. These true and real labels just make a clear understanding faint.

Batman could never be a real man…in the comics he just is a man…Superman on the other hand…well…I guess we will have to stay tuned for that.

1 comment:

  1. So Superman leaves the Daily Planet because they have become (or always been) a basic tabloid rag, careful not to offend the corporate advertisers. And, thus freed up, he realizes that maybe being an American is just as confining. And he finds what was always his destiny, to be a citizen of the planet, a man of the universe.

    Of course, he would be lonely. Most gifted, genuine people are. While others are out talking about their golf game and who to trade in their fantasy league, or whether shell pink draperies would do wonders for the guest room, the people, the ones who trust themselves to think, are wondering about humanity and great joys and sorrows.

    Someone once wrote on one of my blogs "I have been of the belief that in Song I have found god. Maybe I am not alone after all."

    It is so easy to feel alone these days when so many are rejoicing over the anticipated final defeat of one who was given a task then had obstacle after obstacle thrown in his way. When so many are rejoicing they will no longer have to feel guilty (if they ever did) about befouling our water, leaving our children to starve, our women to die from pregnancy, our poor to lie sick and unattended. And the temptation to feel superior! And the push to just give up.

    Some charlatan wrote a book "Waiting for Superman". Aren't we all. But he is closer than one might think.
