Wednesday, November 7, 2012

2012 Theatre

So it’s over…

No more election…

No more left vs. right…

Before we as a nation comes together…

Time for some truth…

1. When a skinny kid with a funny name gave the keynote speech in 2004, I knew…

This was a two term president.

2. Bill Clinton wasn’t the great help that you think.

3. This was NOT a choice of a lesser evil.

4. Obama’s role isn’t what you think it is or should be.

5. You blew a great opportunity and Obama bailed you out.

Now, let’s address each one…

When the president won in 2008, the left did what they do best…lose in the face of victory. MSNBC, like all the rest of the other conservative media outlets focused on the Tea party for the next two years. How in the hell did a record in two years create a health care plan, equal pay for women, Pell grants removed from the banks, bailed out the auto industry, and…and…and…and…and…and…(you get my point) get a focus of the tea party? I know…its great theatre for both sides. The left over reacts and the right feels emboldened. All the while, President Obama kept…being the president…he kept working. Not campaigning, not patting himself on the back, and not crying about a record number of filibusters. He went to work and stayed that way. He was re-elected because of his record showed vision.

Bill Clinton didn’t explain shit…did Flavor Flav explain what Chuck D was saying? Oh you think that white people needed a white (knight) man to come stand by President Obama and explain that he put two women into the Supreme Court, one being a Latina, he made it possible for savings in health care that people still don’t have the initiative to check on to understand what no co-pays mean or no pre-existing conditions stopping you from health care coverage means? President Obama signed into law that had previous presidents done Lilly Ledbetter would have been able to sue to be compensated for not getting equal pay for equal work. President Obama did these things while having obstruction and a Congress that did nothing for two long years! You really think people needed to have that explained? BULLSHIT!

In simple terms…Romney did the unthinkable…he stumbled in every step he made. While I understand that many very politically ignorant people see a perception of our political landscape of no difference or a lesser of two evils, I will say one thing…one side tried during their term…the other side allowed two separate 9/11s, one financial, the other violent during their term. Still don’t see a difference? Then you are the problem.

One of the things I have seen as President Obama has governed is a management quality that really should be what the presidents in the future should emulate. Imagine what a stronger Democratic congress could have accomplished had it appreciated and acted on his management example. He, the president is a constitutional lawyer…it showed. The president isn’t supposed to defend or explain a congressional law…that’s CONGRESS’ RESPONSIBILTIY! Bully pulpits should have never been in the hands of one man…it is the responsibility of a Congress speaking in unison. The fact that they couldn’t even explain the ACA or defend it in the 2010 election proves that they deserved what happened. It spoke to the lack of good representatives and senators on the left. Couple that with a large absence of the liberal votes in 2010 and there is a switch in the House.


That was all I said for four years! But nooooooooooooo! In 2010 you bailed! You forgot about what I like to call the “next big thing sell.” You see when there is something hot people jump on the band wagon (remember the 2008 Obama campaign) and they want to know what has you so excited…I SAID YOU! NOT PRESIDENT OBAMA! NOT NANCY PELOSI! NOT BILL CLINTON! You forgot to sell the “next big thing” because you didn’t get what YOU wanted…or should I say YOU didn’t know what you had. In 2008 YOU had hope evolve into change and could see the damn change. The ACA wasn’t change? Ask the man with CANCER and bills of 210 thousand dollars with a health care plan that has a 200 thousand dollar ceiling has change happened? Ask the parent of a newborn with a birth defect is there change. Ask the woman who was born a pre-existing condition is there change. No you didn’t see change because you were…disappointed. Aint that a bitch? It’s like you found out you were multi-orgasmic and left the partner that did that for you because they gave you eight orgasms instead of nine! What more did you want? Did you think Allen West, Mitch McConnell, or Mitt Romney would give it to you? Damn people, politics is a slow and messy process! Eight is enough to be considered progress!

But President Obama did exactly what he does so very well…when the switch was needed to be pulled…HE PULLED IT! He didn’t mention what he did every day, he didn’t come out with a “vision”, he already had a record and he stood by it. He didn’t even need to bash his competitor…Romney did it for him!

You stayed pensive and hopeful in an environment of change. I saw more enthusiasm for the iPhone 5! But President Obama and VP Biden came out swinging while you argued with trolls and cried on left wing radio.

Face facts…he bailed out your doubts with a ground game that did what you couldn’t do…they walked in truth…of change.

Care to join the band wagon?

Care to accept that YOU are the change YOU have been waiting for?

Or are you going to waste valuable time trying to “push the president to the left?”

Time to make the Congress blue and the right bluer with more change!


  1. Well written, thank you. I understand your argumentation, but I also think that we have to express to our politicians that we have our own ideas and want more progress and want them more open for changes.

    What I found, when I looked at Obama, that he has always been on the right side, fighting for the right things, well, right in my point of view. So I think we still have to be adamant that our politicians keep solving the problems, not to criticize them, but just to give them support to do what is necessary. And sack the ones who are vain and lazy.

  2. Never would I not want as many ideas out there or to you be critical of the president, my contention is that the left celebrated, then offered no support.

  3. There is a lot to respond to, but I will take #3: the whole lesser of two evils thing. Someone I respect (but disagree with) pointed to the drone strikes in the mideast as his argument that Obama is evil. Another went to far as to call him a war criminal. I am unhappy about drone strikes and unhappy we are still in Afghanistan, BUT a child dead because she starves in Detroit is as dead as a child dead from a drone attack.

    You could not be more correct about the failures of the Left starting with the 2009 massacres at the town hall meetings. Did WE go to those meetings, or did we watch, horrified, from our living rooms? When did we stand up to the "Tea Party"? When did we empower our progressive congresspeople? We did not.

    Finally, about 16 months ago, Obama for America started to get to work. Bereft of Acorn, we did the job they had done, registering people, getting them into data bases, calling voters a year out from the election to keep the enthusiasm up. That's how you win an election, that's how we won this one.

    Now I have been reading blogs on Right wingers sites and they say it is not over, they will revive the obstructionism of 2009. If we focus on them, or let them, all the work of the past 4 years can be undone. Celebrate and work from a position of strength. They've lost their country? I just gained mine back.
