I truly thought against posting this here...but it actually belongs here.
Let’s be honest...
As our two political parties sit on opposite sides of the ideological spectrum, have either side done what it claims is in the best interest of the country? Has it?
Or is it doing exactly what it wants?
Have you ever sat down and critically examined your party? Try putting your pom-poms down and think of the things that you and your party believes in and ask are you truly a Democrat or a Republican? Or worse, is your party truly what they claim to be?
As the Democrats' and their votes went absent in the last 2010 election was it because their agenda was absent of that of the politicians in office? Isn't the cry for a primary candidate a resounding rejection to what occurred in the last two and a half years?
Or maybe it’s the Clinton years that truly disenfranchised the electorate with the passing of NAFTA? Remember the Ross Perot quote during the election that appears to be prophetic:
"NAFTA will cause a giant sucking sound as jobs go south"
I wonder do the unemployed workers on the left or right hear that sound anymore. Why worry about protecting the border from illegals coming in when in another twenty years they won’t come here at all. You didn't really think that freedom is the motivation for many foreigners coming here do you? It’s the economy, stupid.
But hey the right will defend that position, its globalization Saynt, get with the program. Actually its unfair trade, coupled with protectionist laws from many countries that are involved in the "free trade". Each and every country has either by culture (it is expected to protect the country's economy) or by laws have protectionist parameters to sustain a healthy economic structure...except the quasi-globalist American policies. But I can’t go to Canada and get prescription drugs. Of course the only reason for that is profit is over people. As to many of the "conservative" electorate claims that point of view is socialism, the odd dichotomy of crying about illegals stealing good jobs that Americans could do screams hypocrisy.
Then of course there is the educational system that either the right wants to privatize or the left wants to keep throwing money at without cleaning up the mess that has been made by keeping the focus on salaries and not the fact that every mayor and governor cuts the budget and looks to the teachers to "breech" an agreement that has been made years in advance. I wonder if I could breech an agreement with Bank of America and get away with it? One thing no one will ever admit about why the educational system is failing our students is because there is not a focus on education but one of money. While each side blames each other, both have presented failure after failure with their policies.
An economic policy on both sides belies the real problem. Before you can ever get to the policies the process of how our representatives are elected and campaign on a daily basis must be addressed. Who do you think your mayor, congressmen, senators, and president listens to? The 160 million that may or may not vote or the millions of dollars that sits in their political campaign fund? The American people may have a problem with what the Supreme Court decided, but the acceptance of what was already true only came to fruition because of the simple fact that the rich and powerful hold no allegiance to either side, serve no country, have no citizenship of any country, and their money is a tool to do one thing...keep taking the voice and democracy from everyone else.
Now the left has…Keynesian economics where they want to spend your money…a lot of your money. But has the money been spent properly?
Then there is the right…an Austrian school of economics where they want to steal your money…legally...
NEWSFLASH! Deregulation is the reason many Americans lost homes pensions, savings accounts, and 401k.
Instead of trying to prove me wrong…ask Brooksley Born.
Or ask Alan Greenspan.
While their way of explaining it may differ, the point is still one big outstanding word…
FLAWED! Thank god Greenspan wasn’t in charge of the murder laws.
Now in America’s history there has been one thing both sides have in common…MILITARY!
They have a love for war! Who has it been good for?
964 billion dollars of our budget, where does it go? Surely, can’t be the soldiers. Some of them barely make a wage that keeps their families at home from becoming homeless, poverty stricken victims. Since we can find rats in Walter Reed, the money isn’t going to health care for the wounded.
So it must be going to somewhere else…
Halliburton, a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy in 2000, is living high on the hog now. Wonder how that happened? Bechtel did one hell of a magic trick of making billions of our taxpayer money disappear. I wonder how well some of the politician did in their political funds from these companies? I do remember Nancy Pelosi getting caught attending a defense company’s party and being asked how much did she get from them…loved her (spin) answer.
But it’s all about choice…picking the left that promises to improve education, health care, and the middle class. Its electorate got mixed messages, a failing educational system, a health care plan that will still pale in comparison to the other OCED countries that are ahead of us, and a middle class that is shrinking so fast that they haven’t realized that they are no longer middle class.
Pick the right…who the fuck would…they promise freedom, less taxation, and a strong defense. Its electorate has the patriot act, a tax code that bleeds them dry, and 9/11.
"Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem."- Ronald Reagan
Will someone please tell that man…he was in office when the debt was tripled, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. I guess he knew what he was talking about. Only George Lucas made money off of Star Wars.
It would seem that the choices are only for those that pay millions and millions of campaign money to take billions and billions of America’s dollars.
Maybe it’s time to stop choosing the lesser of the two evils, especially when they choose to ignore you and do exactly what they get paid to do.
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