I get it…a lot of my writings have a theme. Many speak to inequities of economical social existence. But dig deeper, seek an honest critical analysis of our existence. It’s not hard to see the past, present, and if we don’t change future of “the same shit, different day”. While I keep an open and pragmatic view of the future, based on what I have seen and read it’s not hard to become pessimistic.
That’s the rub isn’t it? Many things are wrong because it has become so hard not to just throw up your hands in disgust. Why try? The effort is rarely ever appreciated or even acknowledged.
But, I keep on sending out the message…something is wrong and we had better come together and fix it.
I say that for one reason…ITS NOT THAT HARD TO DO!
I know it won’t be easy, nor will we be able to put our problems in a microwave…DING…instant solution…welcome to utopia. That’s not the point I am trying to make. The difficulties we face are not as hard as we have made them. The obstacles are simple if we truly want to overcome them.
We don’t talk to each other; we may not because we know many don’t listen. We start with talking points and end with frustration, all the while contributing to the fear that we hear from the voices that benefit from our frustration. I never thought in my life I would ever see in the real world a 1+1=2 debate scenario. That was until I started reading more about history. That has been the debate all along. We are arguing about less taxes or more taxes as if either has anything to do with economics. It’s the debate of effective taxes or ineffective taxes. It’s the debate of small government or big government, as if either has been effective.
And the biggest issue is that we ALWAYS wish to place blame. The real issue is that not one leader (politician) ever thinks it’s his dumb idea that caused the problem. Banks bailed out, regulation falling to the wayside, politicians indulging in insider trading, or wars that profit multinational companies only is ok with you? I guarantee that it’s ok with those that get billions of dollars to tell you how much better you are off with picking them over the other guy that voting record and actions are mirror images.
But I'm repeating myself? Isn’t the fact that Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner are indulging in insider trading a good reason to repeat myself? Isn’t the reason that Bush and Obama have similar military tactics a good reason to repeat myself? Isn’t the fact that those on the left and the right think that their guy is going to be “the one” when they just end up being “more of the same” reason enough to repeat myself.
Ok, let’s ask simple questions…Jefferson hated banks, but Washington made him Secretary of State…Hamilton who LOVED banks became Secretary of the Treasury.
Bush, Clinton, and Bush the second had Alan Greenspan that clearly stated as the head of the fed his economic policies were “short-sighted”. But Greenspan never said what he saw…guess he was so short sighted that he couldn’t see what went wrong…so it can happen again with Bernanke and Geithner. From the first president to the current one the Secretary of Treasury is still on the side and in the pockets of the banks. Not a lot of “change” there, not a lot of “hope” of it ever changing.
So much for out with the old and in with the new.
While we bicker about things that have no significant impact on our lives money is leaving our lives and the government is asking you to come up with blame without ever telling you the truth about what happened.
How can you do that?
Sounds like I'm not repeating…it seems that my commentary is asking why are we repeating the same shit that didn’t work before.
I am so tired of socio-economic "Ground Hog's Day"...
There hasn't been joy in repetition...
I am so tired of socio-economic "Ground Hog's Day"...
There hasn't been joy in repetition...