Monday, August 13, 2012

They Didnt Die...They Just Multiply

I fondly remember October 15, 2004. Jon Stewart helped to expose the hypocrisy of the CNN show "Crossfire". You see news shows have moved closer to an intellectual Jerry Springer than that of a news program that would inform the masses. Its conflicting drama, not a political analyst show. But when Jon Stewart said " hurting America" the smoke and mirrors met a fan and a brick. I hoped then that the news shows (ok not including FOX) would improve their programming.

How wrong I was.

It had to happen sometime.

On Friday, Bob Beckel, one of the hosts of Fox News' "The Five," lashed out at MSNBC's newest show, "The Cycle," accusing the rival program of ripping his show off.

The format of "The Cycle" -- four hosts sit around a table and discuss issues of the day -- is indeed similar to "The Five," though the MSNBC show has many more guests than the Fox News show does.

When the show debuted, its executive producer Steve Friedman scoffed at the idea that he was ripping anyone off.

"When 'The Five' started, did you go and ask them if they were doing 'The View'?" he said to The Huffington Post. "When 'The View' started, did you ask them if they were doing the 'Today' show?"

Now I want you to ask this very important question:

Are we truly entertaining the question of a show on a 24 hour news channel that is comparing itself to a morning talk show? Now my Jerry Springer reference isnt so far fetched. That in itself is the tragedy.

The news isnt disseminated to the masses to inform, but to entertain. Its about ratings...ratings are about money...the money comes from ads.

So what wont the so called "news (always keep the focus on the next word) media" do to keep the money coming in?

Lets examine:

Allow false references like terrorists, Al-qaeda, Muslim, gay rights, Obamacare, stealing your guns, welfare, Willie Horton, Swiftboat, 3am phone calls, and a litany of campaign ads to permeate their programming at a 35 to 65 rate of exposure to commercials to news?

Of course they will! Its all about money!

So if the media with their 24 hour news shows wish to make money guess what they cant give you...

The news!

No way can they inform you...

No way can they expose crime and injustice...

No way can they be news...

Now its pundits, lobbyists, and cynical political hacks that get on to tell you "What's Not Goin' On"!

The Five and the Cycle are just more of Crossfire with a larger casts of characters that lack character.

The next time one of you brag about how Jon Stewart "killed" Crossfire, think again.

The back and forth of political spin didn't die...It multiplied.

Today's programs on the 24 hour news channel only proves that the now History...

The news birth.