I watched the last Star Trek movie recently and there was a scene that touched a nerve.
Spock asked his father why did he marry his mother, a human. In such a matter of fact retort: "Because I loved her". Wow powerful! A Vulcan that is supposed to be lacking emotion placed such a definitively emotional statement out there as if there wasn't any doubt.
I know why I am the way I am now. I truly understand why I felt such a connection to Spock's father in the last Star Trek. He wasn't unemotional like most people have believed a Vulcan is. He was the perfect blend of logic and emotion, that's how I am. But Spock wasn't that way, he thought what would make him better or best...would to be without emotion as if he could be whole by suppressing emotion with logic.
It wasn't until he faced his own test,(See Star Trek 2: Wrath Of Khan) the no win situation did he achieve true awareness of being whole. Then he understood what it took to be himself without conflict.
Spock had such a narrow view of his Vulcan heritage. He truly believed that they were just linear and logical beings, absent of emotion. He was so wrong. It was apart of their world. They were evolved. Look at how they were in their hall. They were having a communal experience.
It wasn't that they were lacking of emotion...they were in control of them...they connected to them, which allowed empathy and compassion.
Which allowed a higher purpose which allows a higher level of thought.
They had mastered the art of prioritizing.
We live to see the big picture where they saw all pictures and knew which ones mattered first.
Its like the state of meditation, evolved into a state of connection with action that allows the mind freedom to think openly and soundly.
Where we fail is the connection and all that goes into it. The first is truly location, location, location.
The mind can only absorb 150 people at one time. After that the people can't connect.
Its a level of conscious connection. The mind is programmed to be aware of just so many people.
Yet we are separated by two land systems, urban or rural, by too many people around or too few. Its almost like the goal is to have us disconnected.
That's why movements fail. Too much at once. We get overwhelmed. We see being overwhelmed as depression now. As if they are one and the same. Overwhelmed just means we need to slow down. Depression is when we have reached the extreme of slowing down.
At some point our responses to life must have consequences. We must change and adapt to survive.
We need to connect just to maintain our existence.
I wish you connection.