Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dont Do Me No Favors

I have one big character flaw...I hate receiving or accepting help from others.
There is one big reason...

In my 42 years of life there is one big pet peeve of mine(as if I only have one) that just infuriates me more than anything...false help.

Now I know that the two words sound odd together. But just imagine if you need one thing and someone trying to "help" you by doing either the opposite or worse. Forcing you to do something that doesn't help and leads you into yet another problematic situation.

Of course there are many anecdotal ways to give examples, but let's use more institutional examples.

The New Deal

You give the American people Social Security and the people accept false help from an institution that never helps them. I challenge one person to ask why is Social Security the answer when the problem was employers exploiting years of loyalty and hard work. Where is the pension from the "free market"?

Try all the "freedom" we offer the world! Wasn't that some great help...for business?

I wonder if Haiti appreciates the help it got after the earthquake.

Native Americans damn sure didn't need any help...they got casinos for "accepting" a cultural and genocidal slaughter.

Many laid off workers have lost many good paying jobs, now they either make half as much or nothing at all...thanks for the help!

It seems that the word
help is slowly becoming a malevolent ego trip for those that use and take from us to gain an advantage. Then we get help. Maybe the best help is not to put us in the position of desperation to need help.

Are we just victims of blow back? Are we just unintended collateral damage? Victims of favors that we didn't need nor want.

Do me a favor? Do us all a favor.

Don't do me or us any favors.

Maybe then we won't need help.